Chapter 24 *Tears Of Joy*

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*6 months later*
"Gosh I'm about ready to pop," Gabby said as she wobbled into the living room, Matt looking at her and he smiled. "At today's appointment do you want to finally figure out if it's a boy or girl? I know we didn't get to know last time since you were so quick to answer," Matt said as Gabby sat next to him, placing a hand on top of his. "Do you really want to know?" "Yes I do! I need to know so I can at least paint the nursery," Matt answered her. Gabby kissed him and it suddenly grew deeper. "Okay," Gabby said pulling back, resting her forehead on his and lacing fingers. Matt could feel her breathing down his neck and it gave him the chills. "So, once the baby's born, do you want to hyphen our last names?" Matt asked her. She then looked him in the eyes and smiled.  "The baby's going to have your last name Matt, no matter what happens," Gabby said, kissing him again, staying that way for awhile, arms wrapped around each other.

"Kelly, can you come watch Alexa?" Sylvie asked as she stood in the kitchen chopping garlic, Kelly walking into the room. "She's not bothering you is she?" Kelly asked as he bent down and scooped his seven month old daughter into his arms. "No of course not, but I can't be chopping garlic and watching her crawl around at the same time. She can get into things now babe!" Sylvie answered. Kelly looked at Alexa and fixed her top. "Are you being a busy body little missy?" Alexa then smiled and it warmed Kelly's heart. "Babe she smiled at me!" Kelly exclaimed. Sylvie looked at him and smiled. "Yeah she's been doing that for a couple months now. Why are you just getting excited now?" "I know but still. Every time she smiles, I get all excited. All she has to do is crack that smile and she wins me over," Kelly said sitting down with Alexa in his arms, turning on the TV.
Sylvie then remembered Gabby had a doctor appointment and she looked at Kelly who stared back at her. "Do you think Matt and Gabby are going to have a boy or girl?" she asked him, Kelly laughing. "Well if I know Matt as well as I think I do, I think it's a boy. Let's make a bet. If I'm right, within this year ,we have to try for another kid" "But I think it's a boy too! I mean, when I saw Gabby's belly, she's carrying a whole lot differently then I did," Sylvie said.
Kelly stared at Sylvie who stared back at him, love flashing in both their eyes. "Do you want to talk about wedding plans later?" Kelly asked. Sylvie looked at him and smiled. "I'd like that, but I'm not changing my answer," she answered, getting back to chopping.

"Alright are you two are you finally ready to figure out what you're having?" the nurse asked as Gabby laid on the table, the nurse running the gel with her tool all over Gabby's lower belly. "I'm more than ready," Matt replied. Gabby held Matt's hand as they looked at the screen, Matt suddenly smiling. "Okay so, we have a hand here, and a hand there," the nurse pointed out. "Oh looky here! There's your baby's sweet face," the nurse said zooming in the picture. Gabby looked at her baby's face and she smiled. She then looked to Matt who was tearing up, using his free hand she watched as he wiped the tears off his cheeks. "Look at that, daddy's already getting emotional little one," the nurse said aloud making Matt chuckle. "Sorry I'm just really excited," he replied. "There's the legs... It looks like you're going to be having a..."

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