Chapter 18 *Close Call*

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"Good morning," Matt said as Gabby woke up, stretching her arms and smiling. "Good morning. What time is it?" she asked him, Matt looking at his watch. "6:38," Matt replied, Gabby suddenly jumping out of bed. "Matt, we're going to be late for shift and I..." she suddenly paused. "Babe, what's wrong?" Matt asked her walking over to her, placing a hand on her back. "Oh no," she moaned running into the bathroom, slamming the bathroom door shut. 'Morning Sickness' Matt thought to himself, walking over to the door. "Do you want some crackers?" Matt asked her, hearing Gabby gag. "Yes please," she moaned making Matt run out to the kitchen, grabbing some crackers.
"Can I come in?" he asked knocking. He then heard the toilet flush. "Yeah," Gabby said sitting back against the wall allowing Matt enough room to swing the door open.
"Here you go," he said handing her the crackers and sitting down next to her, rubbing her back. Gabby popped a cracker in her mouth and chewed it, trying to get rid of the nauseousness. She shook her head and opened the toilet seat again and threw up, Matt rubbing her back. "It's alright," he said coaxing her. Gabby gagged one last time and then flushed the toilet, putting the seat back down. She then slowly got up and walked over to the sink, grabbing her toothbrush, putting toothpaste on it. Matt grabbed his toothbrush and did the same, both of them standing in front of the mirror brushing their teeth.
Gabby then looked at him and laughed. "Matt didn't you already get ready this morning?" she asked pointing at him, fully dressed and hair already done. "Yeah, but I just wanted to make you laugh and it worked," he said pulling her close and kissing her. "Alright I'm gonna get dressed," she said shooing him out the door. "Are you okay now?" he asked her. Gabby nodded her head and smiled. "Yeah, thanks to you. Do you mind pouring me a glass of milk though?" Gabby asked him. "Anything for you," Matt said winking at her before walking away, Gabby closing the door.

"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambo 61, two car accident on Flagler Highway," the dispatcher said, everyone running out to the trucks. "How ya feeling Dawson?" Herrmann asked as they climbed in to the truck, a girl sitting where Otis used to sit. "Hi there. I'm Kim Rhodes," the girl said holding out a hand to Gabby. Gabby politely smiled at the girl but didn't shake her hand. "Nice to meet you," Gabby said to her, making her drop her hand. "This is Herrmann, I'm Dawson, that's Mouch, Cruz, and Casey," she said smiling at him, Kim nodding. "Nice to meet you all," she replied as the truck rolled out of the firehouse, lights flashing, horns blowing.
"To answer your question Herrmann, I'm good," Gabby said looking at Herrmann. Herrmann nodded his head and looked at Kim. "So Rhodes, tell us about yourself" Rhodes looked at everyone and then looked as Matt turned around and looked at her. She then looked at Gabby and Mouch, getting all nervous. "Well, I transferred out of 87... I worked at multiple houses, and I used to be a PIC on Ambo..." "Same here," Gabby said smiling at her. Rhodes smiled back at her and kept talking. "I have a kid, he's 4, and I'm single," she said looking at Matt who nodded. "I see that you put out a transfer to be moved out of 87... Why?" Matt asked her, making her laugh. "Let's just say things got a bit heated up. I did that just so I could be away from my ex, because that's where my ex currently works. We met on the job, I got pregnant on accident even though we both loved each other, at the time. Then I had Colton and after maybe two years of fighting back and forth with Rick, I just left him," Rhodes said, making Gabby's eyes go wide. She thought in her mind, 'Could that happen with Matt and I too?' She already left him once, but would she do it again?

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