Chapter 33 *Andy Casey*

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Matt looked at Gabby. "What do you mean he wasn't still born? Don't you remember pulling out a little body that wasn't moving?!" Matt asked starting to get angry. The doctor looked at everyone in the room. "He wasn't still born. He didn't come out breathing due to the complications of Mrs. Casey's uterus that got to tight and almost strangled the baby. He's two months premature so we're going to keep him admitted here to Lake Shore until he's strong enough to go home. I'm sorry for the mix up," the doctor said turning to leave. "Wait!" Gabby said sitting up, Matt helping her. "Can we see him?" The doctor looked at everyone and sighed. "Of course, let me get you a wheel chair," the doctor said leaving the room.
"Wow..." Kelly mumbled under his breath looking at Matt just as the doctor came back in, pushing the wheel chair.

"Oh my gosh," Gabby said quietly as they entered the NICU, Matt rolling her to where the doctor stood. Sylvie and Kelly walked in behind them wearing scrubs. "Here he is," the doctor said moving out of the way so Gabby and Matt could see their baby. Right away Gabby could tell the baby was her and Matts. He had a mix of their complexions and his hair was a dirty brown. They all watched Andy breath, his chest rising and then it dropping, rising again and then dropping. Matt felt tears form in the corner of his eyes and he placed a hand on Gabby's shoulder, her placing her hand on top of Matts. "He's beautiful you guys, congratulations," Sylvie said bending down and giving Gabby a hug, then hugging Matt. "When can I hold him?" Gabby asked the doctor who was switching the name plates. The doctor looked at her and replied, "In two weeks once his immune system is strong enough" Kelly looked at little Andy and smiled. He looked just like Matt, his face and his expressions while Andy had Gabby's eye shape and her dark hair. Kelly walked over to the closed in bassinet and placed his hand on it. "Hey there kid its your uncle Kelly," he said making Gabby and Matt both smile. Sylvie walked over to Kelly and placed a hand on his back, staring into the bassinet, love flooding her heart. "Looking at him reminds me of when Alexa was that little."

*Gabby is at home*
"Matt, I don't like this..." "Don't like what?" Matt asked as he sat down next to Gabby on the couch, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Gabby looked at him and sighed. "I hate being away from Andy," she replied, Matt pulling her close and rubbing her back. "Me too... Do you want to head to Molly's and have a drink? I think you'll enjoy having your first drink since its been what? 7 months?" Matt asked her. Gabby looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, I'll go, but the minute Herrmann asks me to do shots with him... Don't try and stop me," Gabby answered making Matt laugh. "Do you mind if we stop by and see Andy real quick though? Mama can't be away from her baby for that long," Gabby asked standing up, Matt standing up next to her. "Gabby, it's only been two days, but you're right. I've been worrying about him... Let's go," Matt said throwing on his jacket and grabbing his keys, leaving the apartment with Gabby.

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