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*Back at home*
Matt closed the door to their new apartment and Gabby placed her bag on the coffee table and sat on the couch, kicking up her feet. Matt walked over and stood in front of the TV, his arms crossed. "You didn't talk to me at all today after our argument. I thought you wanted me to communicate with you," Matt said making Gabby look up. "Yes Matt, but when I said communicating, I didn't mean by arguing! That's what ruined this relationship in the first place!" Gabby yelled suddenly standing up, looking at Matt angrily. Matt shook his head and looked away and rolling his eyes, biting his lip trying to hold his tongue.
"I don't want to argue with you..." "Matt! Your words this year have hurt me, and you're blind enough to not realize that" Matt looked back at Gabby, his eyes wide. "See! This is what I'm talking about! You've been trying to bite my head off when all I'm trying to do is figure you out, and treat you with respect!" Matt yelled. Gabby sat back down on the couch and placed her hand on her forehead, suddenly standing up quickly.
"I'm out of here," Matt said grabbing his keys, taking off his work shirt and throwing on a white t-shirt and his black leather jacket. "You can't just leave me," Gabby said following Matt as he quickly walked to the door. Matt opened up the apartment door and turned around, Gabby grabbing him by his jacket, pulling him close and kissing him. Matt looked at her and stepped back inside the apartment and closed the door, removing his jacket and setting his keys back on the table.

"Kelly is that you?" Sylvie asked as she changed Alexa's diaper, Kelly walking into the room. "Yes babe who else could it be? Someone who happens to have the keys to the front door? If so, it's certainly someone who loves you," Kelly replied, Sylvie quickly turning her head, Kelly kissing her lips. She finished up dressing Alexa and then handed her to Kelly. "Hey baby girl," Kelly said as he held his daughter close, kissing the top of her head. " I can't believe she's a month old already," Sylvie said rubbing her daughters back, Kelly smiling. "I know I might sound crazy but, can we have another one? Once Alexa's older of course?!" Kelly asked, Sylvie laughing. "When she's older maybe, but let's enjoy the moments we have with her right now. I want to be able to get back to work soon. To be honest, I kinda miss it," Sylvie replied, Kelly snuggling her close, placing his chin on her head, rubbing her arm with his free hand.

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