*Justice Is Brought*

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"Can you recall anything strange about Gordon?" Antonio asked as he held his sisters hand, Gabby shaking her head. "No I mean... I was still in shock! Matts the one that really knows the answers to all these questions," Gabby answered ,Voight nodding his head understanding. "Do you think you can get Casey in here so we can question him?" Gabby nodded her head. "I can try but it might be hard... He's on his 24 hour shift. I'll call him now," Gabby replied standing up, walking out the office.

Matt looked at his phone and sighed. The crew was on their way back to the house, but he just couldn't keep Gabby off of his mind. He loved her and wanted nothing more than for her to stay safe, but the job they worked made that impossible, so he worried constantly about her everyday. His thoughts were interrupted when his phone started to ring. He looked down to see it was Gabby calling, Matt quickly answering. "Hello?" "Hey Matt. Is there a way you can come down to the district to answer some questions? I can't do it on my own," Gabby asked him over the line. "What's the questions about?" he asked. "It's about Andy's death"
Matt nodded his head even though he knew Gabby couldn't see him. "Yeah of course," Matt answered, Gabby sighing. "Thank you," she said sounding relieved. "What's wrong?" Matt asked, noticing Gabby sounded stressed. "When you come, they got reports on how Andy died. They performed an autopsy. We also have to make plans for a memorial or funeral service within three weeks," Gabby replied, Matt closing his eyes. He couldn't believe that their first born child, died because of the selfish acts of another human being. "Okay," Matt said bluntly. "Let me clear everything with Chief first and if I'm good to go, I'll text you letting you know I'm on my way," Matt told her. Gabby breathed heavily to where she could be heard over the phone.
"Okay... I love you," she said, making Matt smile. "I love you too," Matt answered hanging up, everyone in truck looking at him and smirking. "Sounds like our lieutenant is getting all mushy," Herrmann said, everyone laughing. Matt looked back at Herrmann and smirked. "Just remember that if I can't get you back at work, I know where you live," Matt joked turning back around and looking at Cruz who was smirking. "Spit it out Cruz," Matt told him, Cruz bursting out laughing. "That was Gabby wasn't it?" he asked. Matt stared at him and shook his head. "Who else could've it been?" Matt asked sarcastically. "Oh for a second there I thought you were talking to your mom," Cruz replied. Everyone in the back of the truck started to laugh along with Cruz and Matt blushed. "You know what else is funny?" Matt questioned them, nobody answering. "Drills! Which you all will be doing once we get back to the house," Matt said, making everyone moan. "Good job Cruz," Mills said pouting, Herrmann staring out of the window. "Hey he started it," Cruz replied, pointing back at Herrmann who was looking out of the corner of his eye at everyone, now glaring at him.

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