*Hanging By A Thread*

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Matt and Kelly ran into the ER and ran up to the check in desk. "Gabriela Dawson please," Matt said quickly. The nurse looked through her computer and shrugged. "I have no patient's checked in under that name," the nurse replied looking at Matt. Kelly sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room, pulling out his phone. He then looked at Sylvie's contact photo and sighed. He wanted to call her, but he didn't know what to say. Kelly looked up and saw Matt pacing around, wondering what to do. "Is there a um...Gabby Dawson in the system?" asked Matt becoming a little aggravated. The nurse looked down and typed the name in and then she nodded. "Yep I have a Gabby Dawson here. She checked in 10 minutes ago," replied the nurse. "Great can I have her room number?" Matt asked. "481," replied the nurse pointing down the hallway. "Kelly," Matt said as he started walking down the hallway. Kelly looked up and nodded his head and stood up, walking quickly with Matt to Gabby's room.
When they walked inside, a doctor was checking on Gabby and he was running his hand on her stomach.
Gabby grabbed the bed rails and squeezed them, her knuckles turning white. "Gabby, I'm going to do a quick ultrasound on you... I think your gall bladder erupted, meaning you may be bleeding internally," the doctor said calling in a nurse who brought in an ultrasound machine. Matt and Kelly sat in the chairs and watched on as they put gel on Gabby's belly, and the doctor rubbed the device on her skin. "Oh my god," he said typing on the keyboard with one hand. Matt looked at the doctor when he heard this. "What's wrong?" Matt asked standing up. The doctor looked at Gabby and then at Matt. "We're going to have to perform an emergency surgery. Your gall bladder is punctured. Toxic blood is spilling into your system," the doctor replied, calling in nurses who ran in with scrubs and gloves. Two of the nurses wheeled Gabby away, and Matt sat back down uneasy and placed his face into his hands. Kelly placed a hand on Matt's back and he sighed.
"Hey everything's gonna be alright. Gabby will be fine, she's tough," Kelly said texting Sylvie. Matt looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, that's one thing I love about her," he replied sitting back and exhaling air. Kelly looked at his text and he quickly erased it. He decided it was best to tell her over the phone. Kelly stood up and walked to the other side of the hospital room and dialed Sylvie's number. It didn't take more then three rings until Sylvie answered the phone. "Hello?" she asked. "Hey Sylvie, it's Kelly. Matt and I are at Chicago Med," Kelly said walking around nervously. "Oh my gosh who got hurt?!" asked Sylvie. "It's Gabby... Their rushing her into emergency surgery... She's bleeding internally," Kelly said sitting back down next to Matt. He heard silence over the phone and then Sylvie spoke again. "Alright I'm coming. I swear if I see Cruz again, I will literally destroy him" "Wait... Cruz did this?" asked Kelly in shock. Matt looked over at Kelly and his eyes got wide. He thought that Cruz just pushed her and that she fell the wrong way. "Yeah Kelly... He forcefully kicked her and sent her flying into the lockers. I'll call you when I get there," Sylvie said ending the call. Kelly dropped the phone from his ear onto his lap and he stared at Matt. "I think we got a problem"

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