Chapter Six *Hanging By A Thread*

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Gabby laid on the couch gripping her stomach. Matt sat next to her, her head on his lap. He traced his fingers over her arm and he felt Gabby get goosebumps. He chuckled and asked, "Gabby? Do you still get nervous around me?" Gabby looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah I guess I still kinda am," she replied, Matt kissing her. They then heard a knock on the door and when Gabby went to get up, Matt offered to get the door. Gabby thanked him and he went to the door. When he opened it, his eyes got wide. It was Kelly, and he realized he was at Gabby's place.
"Matt?" asked Kelly as he walked in. "What are you doing here?" Matt asked closing the door behind them. "I came to talk to Gabby about Sylvie... What are you doing here?" Kelly asked, both of them walking into the living room. Gabby sat up quickly and she smiled. "I'm here helping Gabby since she got her gut kicked... Literally," Matt said racing over, helping her stand up. "Hey Kelly," Gabby said hugging him and looking at Matt who scratched his head.
"Matt, do you want to tell me what you're really doing here?" Kelly asked looking at Matt. Gabby slowly sat back down and braced herself and fell into the couch. Matt looked at Gabby and she nodded, giving him approval to tell. "Kelly, Gabby and I...Got back together," he said walking over to Gabby sitting next to her. Kelly's eyes went wide and he slapped his thy. "See I knew it!" he said poking Matt. "I'm excited for you both! What changed?" Kelly asked as he sat in a chair across from them. Matt wrapped his arm around her shoulders and looked into Gabby's eyes.
"Everything's changed," Matt replied, still staring into Gabby's eyes and without hesitating he kissed her, both of them forgetting Kelly was there. "Sorry to interrupt, Abut does Chief know?" Kelly asked watching his friends fall deeper in love. Matt looked at Kelly and shook his head. "No nobody knows except you and Sylvie, and speaking of Sylvie...." Matt said. Kelly sunk into the seat and folded his hands together. "What about her?" Kelly asked looking at Gabby and then Matt. "What's going on between you two? Does she still want to put the baby up for adoption?" Gabby asked locking hands with Matt.
Kelly looked at her and shrugged. "As far as I know she still does. She did tell me that if we were in a relationship, things would be different and...." Kelly started but Matt cut in. "She said if you were in a relationship, things would be different?" Matt asked. "Uh yeah Matt that's what I just said," Kelly replied playing dumb. Gabby laughed at this, but quickly stopped since she felt a sharp pain run from her stomach up to her spine. Matt felt her jump and he looked at her. "Babe are you ok?" he asked. Gabby nodded and stared at them both. "Yeah just got to use the restroom that's all," she replied making Matt stand up, helping her up.
"I'll be right back," she said slowly walking away, Matt sitting back down but he turned around and watched her leave. "Matt is she ok?" Kelly asked pointing towards her. Matt looked at him and shook his head. "I don know. She keeps telling me she's fine but I know she's......." Matt started to say but then they heard a big thump. "Matt!" screamed Gabby, making him jump up and run to her. He opened the bathroom door and saw Gabby laying on the floor, gripping her stomach and crying in pain. "Kelly call an ambulance, now!" yelled Matt making Kelly pull out his cellphone, quickly dialing 911.

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