*Precious Moments*

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"Hey guys!" Sylvie exclaimed as she stood up and walked quickly over to Matt and Gabby, who walked in hand in hand, giving them a hug. "How are you?" Matt asked rubbing Sylvie's stomach. Sylvie laughed and then Kelly walked up to them and gave his turn of hugs. "Let's eat shall we?" Matt asked looking at everyone, looking at Gabby and smiling. "How was last night you guys?" Sylvie asked laughing as they sat down. Matt held Gabby's hand again and looked at Sylvie. "It was great and by the way... I'm not that nosy," Matt said making Gabby playfully slap his arm. "Yes he is don't listen to him. He drank one to many beers last night" "Now that's a lie," Matt said bursting out laughing, Kelly doing the same.
"Oh yeah man congratulations," said Matt suddenly remembering Kelly just got engaged. Kelly nodded his head. "Thanks. I couldn't be anymore happier. Life is good with just me and my two girls" Kelly said placing a hand on Sylvie's stomach. "Speaking of the baby, do you guys have a name picked out?" Gabby asked. Sylvie looked at Kelly and he nodded. "Yeah we do, but we were planning to keep it a secret" "Oh okay! I can't wait to meet her," Gabby said. "Gabby you didn't let me finish, but since you and Matt are the god parents, we'll tell you, but you can't spread the news to anyone else, not even Herrmann," Sylvie said.
Both Matt and Gabby nodded and they leaned in close. "Alright," Kelly said. "Her name is Alexa Shay," Sylvie said excited. Matt smiled at Kelly and then at Sylvie. "What a beautiful name," Gabby said, her heart filled with joy for them both. "I'm so happy for you guys! Alexa is such a beautiful name. I'm telling you already. This guy is gonna take her out on her first truck ride," Matt said pointing at himself. "Whoa whoa not so fast," Kelly said kidding around. Gabby laughed and hugged Matt. "Don't worry. One day you'll be able to do that with a child of your own," she said to him making him smile. "When will that be?" he asked her forgetting Sylvie and Kelly were there. "Someday," Gabby replied smiling, Matt doing the same.
"Sorry to interrupt your moment, but can we order food?! I'm starving, and a pregnant woman's gotta eat!" Sylvie exclaimed as she stood up, Kelly moving out of the booth. "Yeah sure! I'll go wait in line with you in a second," Gabby said making Sylvie walk away. Kelly sat back down and looked at Matt and Gabby. "What do you want babe?" Gabby asked placing a hand on his shoulder. "Can you get me a coffee and a bagel?" he asked her. "Sure, and breakfast is on me," she said kissing him. "Gabby no! I'll pay for the food," Matt said standing up. Gabby turned around and gave him the death stare. He knew what that meant so he sat back down and looked at the table. "Nevermind, do what you want," Matt said looking at Kelly who suddenly laughed. "She has you down to a science doesn't she?" Kelly asked. "You have no idea," Matt replied, both of them laughing.

#1 A Reason To LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora