Chapter 2. - The New Friend. - Page 26.

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He gets a small bag off from his side. He hands it to Chara. Chara says. "Mind if both my brother and I see what it is?"

Simon replied with a kind smile. "Sure, go ahead."

They peek inside the bag and see a small bottle of black liquid they can only assume is an adult drink,some herbs and spices. A recipe book and something wrapped up in foil. It smells like chocolate.

Chara says. "Is this a magic bag? How were you able to carry it? You are so small."

He replied. "I am surprisingly strong for my size. This bag is made out of velvet and other materials. I knitted this myself." They are both in awe over it. Chara's stomach growled,

Simon says with a grin. "I see somebody likes Chocolate."

Chara replied. "Your a mind reader!"

Simon shook his head sideways, then laughed. "That's flattering, but no I am not a mind reader. Mind if I come in?"

They both get out of simon's way. Toriel enters the living room with lily, they are taking the aprons off and mitts.

Toriel sees Simon and smiles. "Hello Simon, when did you get here?"

Simon smiled at Toriel. "Just a moment ago, I have a gift for you, i felt like something was wrong and knowing of the previous live recordings, I thought you needed this."

Toriel walks up to him with a happy expression. "Again, thank you for your kindness!"

Chara hands the bag to Simon and he hands it to Toriel through his teeth. Toriel looks surprised he is able to hold such a large bag in his small mouth.

She grabbed it and said. "Thank you."

Simon replied. "You're welcome."

Gaster pays close attention. Alex says to Simon. "Wow a smart Temmie, i mean i was told of the one with you Gaster but there is more?"

Both Toriel and Lily say. "Alex, don't be rude!"

He scratched his head and said with a nervous laugh.

"Heh, sorry! I am just not used to seeing a Temmie act like this, let alone dress differently!"

Simon's left ear twitched, he says with a sudden frown. "You are being rather rude."

Chara says. "How come you do not say HOI!!!!"

Simon says. "I am more intelligent than a normal Temmie. Why they say Hoi is beyond me, I do not remember much of my past."

Simon sighed, he looked to see them staring in his direction.

Toriel looks sad, she says. "Oh that's awful, you have no memory at all?"

He shakes his head. "No, only memories of fire and ashes, being alone." His ears go down.

Chara and Asriel feel bad for him.

Gaster thinks to himself. *Something feels off about him, it could be my imagination...I have been working a measurable amount lately with barely any breaks. I am sure Temmie will find this all very interesting.*

Simon walks up to Gaster and stares up at him. "Are you really going to become her father? How fascinating! Is there no way to alter her path in any way?"

Gaster shook his head. "There have been attempts on changing her destiny, nothing has changed. She is going to become my Daughter."

Simon sighed. "That is too bad, well you look and sound trustworthy! I am sure she'll be fine!"

Simon smiled.

Gaster raised his right bonebrow. "Her no longer being queen has me wondering what will happen to this universe..."

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