Chapter 2 - Dust and Horror's backstories. - Page 19.

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Toriel suddenly laughs after a brief thought, that is being spoken out loud. *Why am I getting so emotional!? I have Determination, wouldn't I just come back?*

Dust replied with a scuff. "not if something prevented it or someone. anything is possible at this point, tori."

Toriel replied, feeling confused. "But I have The Savestar attached to me! How could anything-"

Horror interrupted and said. "not if it was taken from you at your time of death or the chance it messes up again and well who knows what happens then. the savestar is most likely the reason why you have determination in the first place."

Toriel feeling bad about her behavior towards everyone says. "Again, I apologize. I am acting awful."

Dust says. "if i were in your shoes, i would be acting the same way."

Undyne sighed. "I would be too."

Mettaton says. "It's been awful for you darling, but we are here for you all the way!"

Alphys says with a smile. "Y-Yeah we are! You're not alone in this!"

Asgore gently hugs her. She ignores her pain and embraced him briefly. She lights a match and briefly smokes. Chara and Asriel cannot believe what they are seeing. Their mom is smoking.

Asriel starts to sniffle. He says quietly to Chara. "We should tell them later...How we died, I need to tell them, everything i did. Chara! I use to be a flower!"

Chara replied with an expression of confusion. "You used to be what!?"

They start mumbling while feeling guilt. They stop the moment Dust starts speaking, his expression turning sour. "I'll explain now...It all started 6 years ago or so."

He briefly laughed and repeated. "or so...i was near snowdin when it happened. i just came back to see frisk, killing my brother. papyrus he-"

Dust tightened his fists, his illusion of his brother fades. "my bro believed that even the worst person could change, he offered them a hug, only to be cut down in cold blood. can you imagine how I felt!? seeing them do that to my bro!? i wanted to kill them and i did! **countless times!** i lost track of how many resets they did. i finally decided to put matters into my own hands."

Dust sighed. "so, i decided to start fighting fire with fire, i decided to kill other monsters. to gain LV. I completely changed when i first did it. i...i had to kill my bro during my first genocide. my only reason behind it was to get strong enough to kill the human once and for all. afterwards, maybe find a way to create a reset myself. it never happened. that awful disgusting piece of shit!"

He banged his hands onto the table, near breaking it. Dust says in a tone that makes everyone uneasy. "for a very long time, i do not know how long, all i know is it was for so **long!** they did not reset. I was alone after we both killed. heh i even managed to kill them multiple times, but it was never forever. I only wanted it to end, the endless resets and genocides. the human behind it. yes, what I did was awful! but my reasons behind it....i only wanted it to all end!" He starts to hyperventilate.

Dust looks at Toriel immediately after he finishes explaining his backstory, he speaks in a voice that frightens her. "do not fight your future, fighting it would only make you nothing but a symbol of evil to me! these resets and genocides must end! gaster meant every word that he told me...about the Multiverse slowly dying. you are this Frisk's replacement, in the role of being everyone's hero, only more important. you are going to be everyone's true symbol of hope..."

Dust snaps his fingers and appears in front of her, he looks her in the eyes directly. He says in a serious tone. "do not try to prevent your future! you have no idea what hell truly is..." He turns away from her to notice everyone looking at him in shock, undyne is speechless and her expression is unreadable. Asgore has no idea what to say, which makes him feel awful.

Dust sighed and waits for Horror's background.

Horror taps some more. He says with a chuckle. "my turn i guess huh? damn, endless resets and genocides. yeah that would make anyone snap. heh i understand losing it."

Horror chuckled briefly.

He sighed and says. "what happened to me also happened 6 years ago. everyone was at peace and full of hope. frisk from my universe got to asgore's castle, only instead of a friendly chat with him and friends showing up." Horror tightened his fists.

Horror resumed and said. "frisk killed asgore, the soul's all disappeared...frisk left the underground afterwards, everything started to go down hill from there, monsters started to panic in fear with no ruler to guide them, sad that asgore was killed and that their hope was destroyed. tori left the ruins and came back as her role as queen. she said this to everyone. -any human who falls, will be treated as friends and not enemies.- undyne did not agree with that. so she took over as ruler and had tori sent to the Ruins.

she was never alone though, me and paps visited her. one day though, the core broke down and everyone's magic started to disappear,monsters started to get sick and dust before our very eyes." His expression starts to lack emotion.

Horror says. "food started to disappear and monsters started to starve to death. grillby with no magic in my universe, his fire started to slowly burn him alive. his very well being has become nothing but torture to him now. the guy is better off dead unless something is done." Horror sighed and resumed.

"he asked me to go and fix the problem. i went off to undyne's with a friend. i saw monsters before me die. it was an awful sight. they would melt before me and then turn to dust. i came across undyne and talked to her on how I could fix the core, I told her and my alphys it would take a while. they both got impatient, and attacked me for my magic, to use it for the core instead of using my advice.

they betrayed me and attempted to kill me to get what they needed. i was dead temporarily, very sure i was dead. my undyne or as i call her **queen undick!**"

Horror laughed, he taps his fingers along the table again.

Undyne has no idea how to feel about that, neither does Alphys. They both feel bad for him and continue to listen.

Horror resumed explaining. "alphys from my universe is why undyne attacked me, so i paid her a little visit, she said sorry to me, but then said it was necessary. she told me that my idea was basically useless and decided to go with her own idea.

sooo I lobotomized her, in response to her actions towards me. undyne visited her and learned what i did. she lost her mind afterwards, plus the whole starvation situation. that would do it too. i forgot to mention before the little visit i had, i destroyed the core, it was fixed and being powered through part of my soul.

i refused to let them use me, to take advantage of me. so I destroyed it out of anger. now everyone is starving, our motto is **eat or be eaten** Its our way of life. a human fell down not too long ago. her name is aliza. she did something that shocked me. she gave me a gift, she gave me ketchup...i tore off one of her arms before and almost ate her alive. Paps saved her and we were not exactly nice to her." Horror sighed and did not speak for a moment.

Horror says. "i do not understand why she was so nice towards me. all I want is the madness and starvation to end. if it will ever thats it on my end."

He quickly gets up and the next thing everyone knows, horror has his arms around Toriel on both sides. He says in a horrifying tone. "DO NOT FIGHT YOUR FUTURE!"

Horror shakes her more than once. He gets pushed off by Asgore, Horror almost attacks until Dust smacks him across the head from behind. "NO!"

Chara and Asriel run into Toriel's room crying over what they heard. Hearing Dust and Horror's Story made them upset, they were upset enough remembering their own death's and promises. Asriel remembering things they dread to speak of but have to mention. Images of an evil flower go through his mind briefly. He hugs Chara and starts to tell them about what they went through as **Flowey.**

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