Chapter 2 - Questions! Temporary Drama! Awkward Dinner! - Page 17.

Start from the beginning

Horror pushes dust off. He looks at Teish with a grin. "aww, that guess that will teach you to not mess with the queen!" Teish snapped. "YOU FREAK! YOU TRIED TO HARM HER TOO!"

Teish, looks away from Horror, feeling disgusted by him. She then looks at everyone else. "I do not know what to think about the rest of you, all my life. I have been raised to hate all of you. I have even believed it, up until now I feel unsure."

She looks at Toriel and says. "Good luck on your journey. I'll harass other people now. Heh like these two."

Toriel replied with a frown. "I wouldn't recommend doing that."

Teish replied. "Alright Frisk then, they sound like a crazy little shit! Adios weirdos!"

Undyne growled. Teish replied to Undyne's growl with a scuff,showing a expression of rudeness. "What? it's out of habit."

Asgore says in a kind voice. "I hope someday we can be friends."

Teish replied. "Not sure that will ever happen old man, not all humans are nice. Just remember that."

Teish looks to notice Pete recording. She says to him with a cold expression. "How long have you been recording?"

Pete says with a grin. "Since after you slapped me. Looks like we got our scoop. To be honest this all sounds crazy to me..."

Teish crosses her arms. "Those two are proof, so far of it possibly being true."

Teish looks at Toriel and says. "That necklace of yours, it's powered through this savestar? yes? mind we touch it and see what happens?"

Toriel feels uneasy about that.

She says to Teish. "Sure i guess it won't do any harm."

Teish grabs Pete and they both decide to touch the necklace. They see images in their mind and feel similar feelings to what Toriel felt before. They both scream and fall on their backs. Teish responds, saying. "OKAY! I BELIEVE YOU NOW! AND WANT TO GIVE THAT FRISK A PIECE OF MY MIND! THE LITTLE SHIT! NOBODY MANIPULATES AND CONTROLS ME! LET ALONE A MOODY TEENAGER!"

Pete replied as well, but in a quieter voice, a little on the stressful, nervous side at first. "Tell that Gaster to piss off! He's just crazy! There is no way you're going to become his child! That's impossible and if it is possible, then he is just plain rude!"

Toriel replied. "I will do my best to fight the possibility!"

Teish and Pete waved and ran off to find Frisk.Pete trips and falls on Teish while running off. They all see Teish cursing at him in the distance.

Dust and Horror laugh. Dust says. "they were rude and blind. not worth killing, i do not see them as the killing type, all bark and no bite."

Horror said with a smirk. "i would have bite."

Dust groaned in annoyance. "i know you would."

Asgore says in a cold voice towards Horror. "Never attempt to harm Tori again."

Undyne snapped at Horror. "Yeah! or you'll face my spears next time!"

Horror chuckled at Undyne. "okay, don't expect me to go easy on you!"

Dust glared at Horror and whispered to Him. "our belts and her necklace record remember? you idiot. gaster and temmie are pissed at you. i know it."

Horror replied. "what are they going to do to me exactly? put me in time out?"

Dust replied. "or put you back in your universe, who knows."

Horror replied. "i doubt it, gaster wants to be the hero remember? mr.goody two shoes!"

Dust replied. "geesh someone is being a moody bones, do we need a hug?"

Horror growled.

Dust laughed.

Horror replied. "i want dinner and I want it now!"

Dust shook his head. "she just died and came back to life pal, her kids are back alive again, wait a few." Horror growled in response, saying nothing.

Undyne speaks to both Asgore and Toriel. "Sooo are these punks going to eat with us? They work with Gaster!"

Toriel replied. "They also saved me more then once."

Asgore says in a calm voice. "Let's put that aside and relax. Our children are back, you are safe. Teish and Pete will not be bothering us anymore. Later we can have dinner together and talk about this, i am sure this whole future event won't even happen. Things look like they will be fine. I believe so, I mean our children are back. That has to count for something."

Toriel smiled, feeling happy. "You're right." Toriel looks at them all with a smile on her face. "Let's go and celebrate!"

Asgore responds. "After resting of course."

Chara speaks up and says. "If i see this Gaster, ill tell him to go away or-" they grinned.

Dust pays close attention to their expression. Chara says. "Annoy him!"

Asriel replies with a big smile. "Yeah! Annoy him!" Asriel laughs.

Dust blinked in response to their words, he chuckled at it. Feeling surprised.

They all return to Toriel's house together. Asgore and Toriel are resting together on the couch, with Asriel and Chara sleeping in their arms.

Sans and Papyrus are cooking supper, with Horror staring intensely at the fridge. Dust is exploring the house. Undyne is watching Horror, being the protector of the contents within the fridge.

Mettaton and Alphys enter the house. Mettaton walked up to Undyne. He says. "We saw everything live darling! Toriel needs all the love she can get, her,our king,and children, the adorable dears! And later on my entertainment! Their children will love me!"

Undyne replied. "Heck yeah! Um, what do you think of these two?"

Undyne points at Horror, turning back to now see Horror going through the fridge, eating everything he can get his hands on.

Undyne says. "HEY! NO TOUCHING!" Horror replied with a short growl, he said. "NO! IT'S MINE!" (I had too! XD)

Dust runs up and attempts to help. Horror refuses to leave the fridge.

Sans turned Horror blue, Dust turned and looked at him, giving him a thumbs up. He gets out a cigarette, he says to Sans. "I'll be back later." He walks out the front door to smoke. Papyrus said to Sans. "DO YOU SMOKE TOO!?"

Sans shakes his head. "nah just him."

Horror says. "when will dinner be ready?" Papyrus replied. "IN ONE HOUR!"

Horror says. "i'll wait outside. call and tell me when its ready." He walks towards the front door and opens it. He leaves for the outside and closes the door. He stands near Dust and they stare at the sky. Dust says to him. "do you think she'll still become his daughter?"

Horror replied. "you saw her horns, of course she will! mot to mention she died and came back!"

Dust sighed. "do you think he'll be a good dad to her?"

Horror replied feeling calm already than he did inside the house. "as serious as he is about protecting monsters and this whole save the omniverse thing, I am sure he'll try to be. I guess."

Dust replied with a frown. "i wonder how her life will end here and who ends it. will there be a reset? a betrayal in the family? or..."

He tightened his fist. "maybe her frisk decides to kill her."

Horror replied in a cold tone. "who knows, a human killing her is possible, I would be surprised if it was another monster."

Dust chuckled. "yeah, i mean look at us, it's not impossible."

Horror replied with a shrug. "true." Horror sits on the bench on Toriel's front porch and decides to take a nap. Dust decides to stay awake and continues to stare at the stars. To smoke and think about the future. Wondering what lies ahead.

Dust thinks to himself. *I have some time, I'll take a walk.* He starts to walk away from the house,until he hears the front door open and close. He sees Chara. They yawn and walk up to him and say. "She won't die right? I do not want to lose my mom. Are you here to protect her?"

Dust unsure on how to feel about them. He replied. "kid, i'm sorry to break it to you, but she already died. both me and Horror, kept her from getting any worse."

Chara raised their left eyebrow and said. "Yeah, I doubt it. No offense mr, but She's no Zombie!"

That made Dust laugh. He said to Chara. "did you not hear what your mom said about the savestar? and everything she went through?"

Chara feeling upset, they say. "Yes, but that does not mean I understand any of it! Its-Its alot to take in! I just came back mister!" They cross their arms.

Dust pats their head with a chuckle. "we'll all talk about it together later kiddo."

Chara responds with a smile. "Alright." They run back inside.

Dust sighed. He resumes with another smoke. Surprised he came across an innocent Human.

He finishes it later on and decides to take a nap against a tree. One hour later. He is woken up by a loud slam. His eye-sockets open immediately. He looks around and sees Chara and Asriel running around playing. They run to him smiling at each other. Asriel hides behind Chara. Chara sighed. They say. "Hey, Supper is ready!"

They hear a teleportation noise and look to see Horror gone. Dust says to them. "lets go now, ill race ya!"

His thoughts. *I have to keep an eye socket on him, so he does not cause any problems or drama! ugh! heh this should be fun!*

They run for the door, Dust lets them win, they enter to see Horror standing outside the kitchen door.

Dust snaps his fingers and says in a cold whisper. "Don't do anything stupid!"

Horror replied. "i won't. well...don't count on it, you know my temper!"

Toriel and Asgore, both call out to everyone. "The Table is set and The Food is now cooked! Settle down in a chair and enjoy your drinks and supper!"

Everyone else enters, to see what is on the table. "Fried Chicken" "Fried Green Tomatoes and Mashed Potatoes." "Green Peas and Carrots." "Mac and Cheese." and "Sweet Tea." and for the Sanse's an alternate choice. Lots of large bottles of ketchup. Papyrus has "a large dish of Lasagna!" There is "Fresh, Chocolate Brownies made with M.T.T Brand chocolate." Toriel's classic Pies, Snail Pie and Butterscotch Pie." "Peanut Butter Cookies." Mettaton has a recipe for everyone to try out. "M.T.T Carrot Cheese Cake with Pink Frosting!"

(With The choice of M.T.T Sprinkles or Lug Nuts! XD)

There is a section for later hours.

Alcohol Drinks and similar choices. But only after Chara and Asriel are deep asleep. There is also cold iced chocolate milk,coke,dr.pepsi,cherry pepsi,Beast-Energy Drinks. Horror drools at everything he sees on the table.

Hearing starting to hear thudding sound in his chest. Unsure what to choose first. Toriel, feeling concerned about what she notices, decides to make a plate for him and a bottle of ketchup.

Everyone enters the room and starts fixing up their plates, dust and horror are still there. Dust is busy watching him.

Until toriel kindly walks up and hands Horror a plate of food. Toriel says. "Here, enjoy and relax."

She also hands him a bottle of Ketchup. Horror has no idea how to respond. He smiled. He has not felt like this in awhile. **Peace.** He sits as far as possible from everyone but Dust.

He starts eating immediately. The first thing he grabs is the ketchup.

Sans thinks to himself. *What happened to this guy? ehhh...I'll do my best to ignore his table manners and enjoy myself.*

He gets his ketchup and starts drinking it from the bottle, that he grabbed. Dust sighed. He just finished fixing up his plate, being silent and not talking to anyone around him. He starts with his ketchup as well.

He gets himself a thing of Ice Water from the fridge. Not in a mood for soda or tea.

Horror eats his food and ketchup intensely, guzzling it all down making disgusting noises with each gnawing bite and drink. He snatches another bottle of ketchup and starts drinking it.

Both Chara and Asriel are grossed out the whole time, saying under things like this under their breath. "Ew!,Gross!,Why is he eating like that for?" and so on.

Toriel whispered to her children. "Don't be rude." They both reply to her. "Sorry." Toriel smiled. Asgore is speechless. Dust elbowed him. "hey! slow down, will you?!"

Horror growled. He looks and sees everyone look at him.

Horror sighs. He gets up with his plate and puts it in the sink. He washes his face and hands. He gets another thing of ketchup, he looks at Toriel and Asgore and says with a slight smile. "nice supper."

He looks at Papyrus and says. "i'll eat some of your cooked food later Paps, see ya." He walks outside to the front porch, he closes the door and sits on the bench to think, while enjoying his ketchup.

Undyne speaks to Toriel. "Why did he eat like that for?"

Toriel looks at Dust. "Mind telling us his story?"

Dust looks at Chara and Asriel then at Her and Asgore. "it's too dark for the kids. i'll explain later."

Toriel replied. "Alright."

Chara and Asriel just finished their food, somehow able to eat even after seeing that. They now have Butterscotch Pie together and Chocolate. They finish it as well. Chara and Asriel attempt to sneak off with Beast-Energy drinks after finishing their chocolate milk. Sans snapped his fingers and says. "Hey, im not sure you should be having that now."

Chara and Asriel, both look at Toriel and Asgore. Toriel and Asgore unsure if it's a good choice or not. (With later regret.) Both Toriel and Asgore say. "Just this once." Chara and Asriel start chugging the Beast-Energy drinks they got.

Dust mumbled with a grin. "oh this should be fun..." Chara and Asriel, not too later. Start running around speaking at such a speed nobody can understand. Running and playing, jumping around.They start grabbing sweets and eating them at high speeds.

Dust starts laughing and he says to Asgore and Toriel, joking in a loud tone. "AND HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN! YOUR NEW LEADERS! CHARA AND ASRIEL! THEY HAVE ARRIVED! BOW BEFORE THEM!"

Toriel and Asgore laughed. "Yes, we shall!"

Papyrus and Sans laugh. Everyone decides to play along. Horror listening on the other end. Still avoids at first, until he heard Chara yell out. "FOOD FIGHT!"

Horror snaps his fingers, appearing back inside the house, shows up in front of everyone else. "I WILL EAT EVERYTHING YOU THROW AT ME! BRING IT!"

Toriel immediately speaks up with her arms crossed, with an unreadable expression. "I am sorry! But Asgore and I worked very hard on this food! Same for Papyrus. I will make food for us to use! Not Dinner!"

Toriel then laughed, her face turned to that of happiness.

Asgore says with a smile on his face. "Or maybe we could buy some pies? We could eat more later and have our food fight as soon as possible perhaps?"

Horror spoke up with a grin. "No worries on any of it going to waste!"

Toriel and Asgore clean the table. Undyne and Mettaton help. Same for Sans and Papyrus. Chara and Asriel are too busy eating more sweets and having chocolate milk. Horror grabs more ketchup. Sans and Dust grab some before Horror takes all of it.

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