Chapter 1 - More info and a terrible experience. - Page 16.

Start from the beginning

Toriel immediately speaks to him. "Dealt with how?"

Gaster says. "Dealt with by either erasing their memories of the savestar and getting them free from the underground and away from the monsters, or Death."

Toriel gasps, covering her mouth for a moment and she responds. "Have you ever harmed a child?"

Gaster looking at her with a raised bonebrow. "Did you forget the war between humans and monsters so long ago? I did what was necessary to help us when we were underground."

Toriel, silent and is unsure how to feel about all of this.

Gaster says to her with a smile. "To make it short and simple. I am looking for allies at the moment and plan to travel all or enough AUs,take them over and either Repair or Replace the Savestar. The plans of also getting savestars out completely depending on the AU's condition or vis-versa.

The Savestars have been used for Resets and Genocides for awhile now and because of that-"

Gaster does a deep sigh and speaks more after a pause. "The Multiverse is slowly collapsing, The Multiverse is what holds all of our Universes together and the AU's of their original counterparts. Sometimes those themselves are indeed AUs. I just want to protect and save all Monsterkind from total and complete destruction."

Toriel feels bad and she says. "Well, seeing as I am the queen, maybe I can be of assistance? I see nothing wrong with your goals, but taking over other universes and killing? I think that's a bit much."

Gaster says in a peculiar voice. "But what if there is no other choice in the matter? What if you had to defend yourself and those around you? Wouldn't you want to protect those you care for? I only want to help everyone."

Toriel is silent for a moment and responds. "Do these universes have other chara's and asriels?"

Gaster nods. "If I can achieve my goals, I could just bring your children back."

Toriel while showing a concerned expression. "This all sounds very surreal, I still think this is all in my head..."

Gaster replies. "I assure you it is not. Hmm, I mentioned the savestar and my goals. Now for one last subject. One I think we should get back too and finish up, don't you agree?"

Toriel feels confused. Gaster looks irritated for a moment.

He says in that distorted menacing tone again like earlier. "The subject of your encounter with your Other self, who happened to be melting,who was a skeleton-goat monster from what i gathered and mentioning my name and then mentioning knowing who your parents were."

Toriel starts to hyperventilate while now showing a uneasy expression,failing to show a calm one. Her voice is now shaky. "I-i rather we not discuss this subject, can we not?"

Gaster asks Toriel with his right bonebrow raised. "What happened to you?"

Toriel replies. "I rather not try to explain. It is too horrible to think about. All i can say about any of this, is that it was all just a dream!"

Gaster's thoughts. *What came from my creation and harmed her this way? I need to fix this.*

He says to her. "Toriel, this is real, this is not a dream and whatever happened to you. It really happened."

Toriel stepped back, shaking her head as she raised her hands to her eyes, "No... no this cannot be... it couldn't be real... this is all just..."

He responds. "A dream?" he chuckles.

Gaster walks closer to her and attempts to calm her down.

"Where you could feel,see and think? Toriel," he shook his head.

"You were perceiving the experience of an entirely different reality."

Toriel speaking out of disbelief. "That's... That's impossible."

Gaster grinned. "Look where we are. We're on the other side of perceivable reality."

Toriel speaks to him feeling curious. "Can others access this place?"

He sighed. "The chances of your friends finding this place are 1 in a million."

Toriel not trusting him, pushes him away out of panic.

Not too long afterwards There is a bright colored light behind them. Both Gaster and Toriel turn around. She sees the savestar and runs for it.

Gaster shouts out to her while going after her. "TORIEL DON'T!"

He tries to grab her from behind, she turns around and punches him in his chest in a panic, knocking him down only to notice him fall down in a very disturbing way. He's melting. She screams and runs even faster for the savestar. Not thinking clearly. She is in front of the glowly purple star now, she manages to touch it before Gaster could get to her.

Toriel suddenly feels the way she did earlier, before her re-encounter with him. Only worse, she can't move and starts to scream. She sees something coming out of the savestar. It is huge and disfigured,distorted in glitches and has a broken jaw, with black goop-like substance falling constantly from it at a moderate rate.

It roars at her and the moment she looks at, she sees their skull. She starts crying among her screams.

It looks like her other self. But they are in worse shape than before. They start to pick Toriel up and the only thing Toriel can feel is pain and a horrible sensation of heat, unbearable heat. Like she is on fire.

Toriel speaks to them. "Please let me go, I did no harm to you! If i did, i am sorry young other me, maybe we can talk this over with a glass of milk and cookies?" It roars louder and starts to squeeze her whole body, making her gasp for air. It starts to speak in that language Toriel heard earlier when she was with them before.

"✡⚐🕆 ✌☼☜ ✌ 🕈☜✌😐☹✋☠☝ ✌☠👎 ✌ 💧✌👎 ☜✠👍🕆💧☜ ☞⚐☼ ✌ ❄⚐☼✋☜☹✏ ✡⚐🕆 👍✌☠🕯❄ ☜✞☜☠ 💣⚐✞☜ ✋☠ 💣✡ ☝☼✌💧🏱✏ ✌☹☹ ❄☟⚐💧☜ 👌☜☞⚐☼☜ 💣☜ 🕈✋☹☹ 💧🕆☞☞☜☼ ✌☠👎 👌☜👍⚐💣☜ 💣✡ ☹🕆☠👍☟✏ ✌☟ ☟✌ ☟✌ ☟✌ ☟✌ ☟✌ ☟✌ ☟✌✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏" English Translation:"You are a weakling and a sad excuse for a Toriel! you can't even move in my grasp! all those before me will suffer and become my lunch! ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!"

Toriel starts to get dizzy and begins to see images of what looks like her up coming future. In these scrambled up images, she sees herself and Asgore going to MT.Ebott, one where she is with frisk in town, upset with humans and two smaller figures underneath her and asgore.

Most of the images are blurred, one ends with a strange room with peculiar noises that has faces she does not recognize, because they are blurred out as well. To seeing Gaster oddly holding her for a moment and placing her on a strange looking bed.

The images keep on going and going. She could have sworn she saw a Temmie in one of the images. To finally, believing she is reliving everything she went through earlier with her (other self.) She is now screaming continuously.

Toriel is hearing faint noises that sound different from what she is reliving. They sound like blast noises, the next thing she knows, she is opening her eyes to seeing herself leaning against the right side of Gaster, he is attacking (her other self.)

Gaster sees the savestar, it just reappeared. He grabs it, Toriel starts to panic, but stops when she notices nothing is happening to her.

Gaster looks at Toriel's foreshadow while holding the savestar in front of them, he calmly says. "Leave." It disappears.

Toriel is still upset and Gaster speaks to her. "Are you able to stand?"

Toriel nods and remembers the situation at hand and starts to panic again.

Gaster grabs both of her shoulders, and looks directly into her eyes and says in a calm tone.

"Calm the hell down, you are hurting yourself by acting this way. Lets talk about this alright? You cannot run from your problems forever, hiding from them and hiding how you feel and anything else will only do nothing but harm to your will being."

He lets go of her shoulders and then speaks more. "I saw that creature, I think I know what it was. I think it was your future self....It looked similar to both of us.

Let's get this out of the open now. I believe you will become my child in the future, somehow. Toriel, I have been looking for a Symbol of hope for all monsters, for a while now. A perfect symbol of hope and justice. I believe you are that symbol.

Monsters have not seen my creation in ages and yet you come across it, and happen to see me. Toriel. I saw your previous experiences and remembered things I have forgotten, like following you and your foreshadowed self into the alley. I was with you both before you touched the star. I saw those images. You have a big future coming ahead. I will give you a few weeks, maybe even a little bit longer.

I have allies to find and things to plan and have preparations to do. You enjoy your universe while you can, because soon, well. You'll find out."

Toriel summons her fire from both of her hands and is in a panic again, saying these words in denial. "THIS IS A DREAM ALRIGHT! A DREAM! NONE OF THIS IS REAL! W-Why would this happen to me!?"

She hyperventilates and tears are falling. "Whatever you have planned for me, it will never happen! Because this is all j-just a dream, why won't I wake up from this!?"

Gaster snaps his fingers with his right hand and appears behind her smirking, he puts both of his hands on her shoulders and he says in a creepy echoish tone. "Because it is not a dream, we will see each other soon. I saw images you did not. Everything will be fine. So what do you think?"

Toriel is horrified by her future events soon to come. Gaster turns her around and has a smile she does not trust, the same for his voice, it sounds so eerie. Something she cannot explain or read. She says to him. "Is anyone even looking for me?"

Gaster nods. "Well of course.. Oh and right on time, I see Sans,Papyrus and your human running your way. You will be awake soon, farewell." Gaster waves and disappears slowly in front of her very eyes, almost like a smoky mist but with glitches.

(Switching over to Frisk,Sans and Papyrus.)

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