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Wen Jing squatted down. Holding the jade token, he said to the big tortoise: “Who gave you this jade token?”

The big tortoise stupidly looked at him and then suddenly slowly crawled outside.

Wen Jing followed the big tortoise out the door. He saw a youth standing under a pine tree far away with his back towards him as he gazed into the distance. Wen Jing carried the big tortoise and walked forward: “You Si, what are you doing here?”

“Times up. I should leave.”

Wen Jing looked at him strangely: “Where are you going?”

You Si lightly smiled, pointing upwards: “Go where I should go.”

Wen Jing coldly looked at him: “In the white clouds?”

You Si laughed: “I originally could bring you along, but it’s a pity. You weren’t able to kill Jun YanZhi. If it’s fated, we shall meet again——maybe in a thousand years or ten thousand years, or maybe we’ll never meet again.”

“What do you mean?”

You Si sighed: “There is no meaning. He Ling, Duan Xuan, and Mo ShaoYan going insane was done by me. Even Jun YanZhi didn’t figure out what was going on. The bestowing sword illusion and ending of《A Calamity for All Living Things》were also given to you by me. You don’t need to overthink it.”

Wen Jing panicked, pursing his lips: “Just who are you? The one who brought me here?”

You Si inadvertently glanced towards the big tortoise in Wen Jing’s arms. He put on a fake smile: “That wasn’t me. However, I did play a role in you coming here. I wish you and Jun YanZhi 100 years of happiness——that is if you can coax him back.”

Wen Jing looked at him with hatred: “I have already chased him away. How am I supposed to coax him back? That one stab I gave him, was it also due to you?”

You Si exclaimed with an “oh.” He lightly smiled: “That’s right. That stab you gave him with the sword was also due to me. Additionally, the big tortoise’s death a few days ago was also because of a small spell that I had used. Is there anything else that you haven’t figured out and want to ask?”

Wen Jing struck out with his palm.

You Si, however, smiled and transformed into a flash of red light before slowly landing on the ground: “……See you later.”

After finishing his words, that figure under the pine tree immediately vanished.

Wen Jing, who was still hugging the big tortoise, froze for a while, but he still didn’t understand what You Si’s motive was. He blindly walked around the mountain and unwittingly came to the side of an elegant stone house. Murmur of moving water came from the surrounding. Looking carefully, it was Jun YanZhi’s residence. He stopped in front of the door, hand slightly shaking as he pushed open Jun YanZhi’s door.

The room was spotless and quiet as usual.

Everywhere in the room was a place where he and Jun YanZhi talked and laughed. There were too many memories in this place. The talking and laughing seemed to have happened just yesterday. Traces of their figures still remained here.

His head suddenly hurt, irritating his mind and making it hard to maintain clarity. He gently held his head and slowly walked into the room. He came to Jun YanZhi’s desk, caressing the brush, ink, paper, inkstone and the few old books on the table.

These books, he had read them all. Some were read together with Jun YanZhi. Wen Jing slowly laid on the table. Smelling the scent of paper and ink, his emotions slowly calmed.

He silently turned his head and suddenly found a drawer that was slightly open by the edge of the table.

Jun YanZhi never let him touch this drawer. Who knew what was hidden inside.

Wen Jing lightly pulled the ring on the drawer, carefully glancing into the opening to find an old blue book quietly lying inside.

He carefully took out the blue book and silently flipped it open.

On the first page, a python and a little cultivator were lying on the grass and sunbathing. This little cultivator had his eyes closed as if he was sleeping. His eyelashes were long and thick. The python was flipped over, revealing its white stomach, head resting on his stomach. Jun YanZhi was really good at drawing. The little cultivator’s eyes were very vivid and lifelike. It was even a bit cute.

A layer of water appeared on Wen Jing’s eyes.

Flipping to the second page, the python and the 15-16 year old little cultivator seemed to have just fought. The little cultivator was holding onto fruits and coaxing the python in a soft tone of voice. The python twisted its head, ignoring him.

On the third page, the little cultivator seemed to have grown up a bit, holding a fruit in one hand as he teased and played with the big tortoise. The python was coiled together, silently watching nearby.

On the fourth page, the night was dark and without moonlight. Heavy snow fell outside the window. The python shrunk inside the blanket and was shaking all over. The little cultivator hugged it to sleep.

On the fifth……

On the sixth……

An entire book was filled with the bits and pieces of their life over the past few years. Wen Jing slowly flipped and looked page by page. His emotions were like a flooded river bank, uncontrollable. He started crying.

Sure enough, one only knew how to treasure it when one had lost it.

Tears blurred his eyes. Wen Jing laid on the table, crying and crying. His chest felt uncomfortable as if it was stuffed. Finally, choked with sobs, he fainted.

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