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Outside the hall the sky was already dark. Wen Jing stood together with the other 70 new disciples. Calmly smiling, the sect master began to speak regarding the sect regulations: “You must uphold justice, eradicate the devious ways of evil spirits, devil cultivation is forbidden, injuring fellow disciples is prohibited...”

Wen Jing silently watched the grey clothed youth head down the mountain. Opening his system, a green frame jumped out.

[Moral standing: 312, Excellent fine jade, with careful handling can become a very capable person. ]

“It’s getting late, everyone can disperse.”

In just a short while, Xi Fang had gone over the sect regulations, encouraged the disciples to cultivate diligently, and had already concluded.

Liu QianMo was full of smiles as he quietly waited for Wen Jing to reach his side. He said: “Foolish young man, what made you decide to come to Hui Shi peak?”

Wen Jing stole a furtive look at the elegant refined person standing nearby. Embarrassed, he replied: “The last time we met you saved my life. I believe that you are good people and I wish to study at the same place you do”

Liu QianMo smiled again: “You have good judgement. Let's go! "

Arriving at the edge of the precipice, Liu QianMo, disregarding the dirt covering Wen Jing’s body, picked him up and rode off on the wind.

The sound of the wind whistled in his ears. Vast cliffs lay beneath his feet. Surrounded by a grey fog, Wen Jing could not see the ground. His whole body turned rigid. He closed his eyes, chanting to himself, I’m dead, I’m dead, I'm dead...

After a long time, his feet finally touched solid ground. Wen Jing crawled down from Liu QianMo's grasp, carefully looking in all directions only to see red clouds covering the whole sky. Projecting out of the gloomy wooded mountain was a distant monolith. It resembled the image of a sword practitioner with his sleeves floating in the air and a sword pointed at the heavens.

Liu QianMo’s mild voice was heard to say: “Legend has it that Qing XuZi in those days practiced his sword arts here. After a time, the stone of the mountain absorbed his spiritual energy and gave birth to a heart full of admiration. Slowly it then took on his appearance and thus came to be called ‘Hui Shi’. It’s one of Xun Yang’s eight wonders."

Wen Jing nodded his head, feeling a surge of excitement.

Liu QianMo walked with him, leading him into the mountain woods. Jun YanZhi silently fell behind the two people. In a short while, the three individuals stopped in front of a stone house. To the side a glimpse of a clear spring could be seen. The front of the house had a level ground that could be used as a place to practice martial arts. It was currently full of dead leaves. The whole area was full of dust. To the other side a precipice overlooked a vast gulf. It seemed it had been a long time since anyone had lived here.

Liu QianMo silently chanted and in the palm of his hand rose a wind. Soon after, all the dead leaves had been blown off the cliff.

“Hui Shi peak has few people but luckily has many houses. Everyone can have one of their own. This was intended to provide housing for fifteen disciples. At present, you'll have it all to yourself”

Wen Jing nodded.

Liu QianMo set down a storage bag “Inside you'll find quilts, clothes, and food. Tonight you'll need to clean up before you'l! be able to go to bed. Do you need a helper?”

Wen Jing promptly shook his head.

“Probably not... with my grandfather I already had to master those kinds of things.”

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