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Wen Jing wasn’t clear on what his relationship with Jun YanZhi was.

This seemed to be very problematic. However, Jun YanZhi still had not said a word to him, making him guess around as if he had fallen into a fog.

Even though they had kissed for so long last night, he still didn’t bring up a single word about shifu in the end.

Jun YanZhi was flying a few feet away, his turquoise clothing moving with the wind. He didn’t have the slightest intention of turning around to look at him. Wen Jing watched and then lowered his head, saying under his breath:


After eating, he just wiped his mouth and left. He didn’t give any explanations.

Jun YanZhi, who was flying in the front, suddenly slowed down his speed. Flying slowly, he very naturally fell behind Wen Jing. Wen Jing didn’t look at him. Jun YanZhi also didn’t talk, nor did he make any extra movements, as if he didn’t notice Wen Jing. Instead, he started talking with the nearby Gao Xiao.

Wen Jing once again muttered inwardly: Bastard.

Jun YanZhi warmly said: “I have long heard that Gao shixiong’s Qixian sword method is peerless. I have to consult with you sometime.”

Gao Xiao smiled and said: “I’m a lazy person, and my talent is average. I have a lot of work to do as well. I don’t practice the sword diligently. I am not as good as your Jing shidi. Yesterday, it was already so late, yet he was still practicing the sword in the courtyard.”

Wen Jing felt a bit embarrassed as he said: “I couldn’t sleep last night.”

He Ling snorted: “Too many messy thoughts. Naturally, you couldn’t fall asleep.”

Wen Jing’s face reddened, but he couldn’t find any words to retort. He lowered his head and didn’t talk.

Liu QianMo quietly whispered in Jun YanZhi’s ear: “Last night, after you went to your room first, he couldn’t stand or sit calmly and kept glancing towards your room. Although the stupid kid is a bit slow, he cares about you a lot. Ever since he was young, he was always ‘Jun shixiong’ this and ‘Jun shixiong’ that. He basically followed you everyday. If he did something wrong, be a bit more tolerant. Don’t blame him.”

Jun YanZhi looked at Wen Jing, gently saying: “Many thanks, shixiong. I don’t even have enough time to like him.”

Liu QianMo’s line of thought paused. The corner of his mouth slightly twitched: “That’s good then.”

Gu Jing sect was the closest to the Qing Xu sword sect. It was also the sect that had the most interactions with the Qing Xu sword sect. The eight people finally arrived at dusk.

Gu Jing sect was situated in a valley between many hills and was very secluded. There were many rivers, twisting and turning, stretching hundreds of meters to connect with seventy to eighty lakes. They were like pearls in the expanse of green. When the sun was bright, and there were no winds, the lakes were like an old mirror, peaceful and elegant, without any waves. Thus, Gu Jing sect was named as such.

Now, it was currently winter. The valley was barren and cold, and the lakes were frozen. Dead wood mixed with the white snow covering the valley, but it didn’t have the majestic of endless large snow mountains. It was the most lonely and quiet time of the year.

The disciples, who were guarding at the entrance of the valley, guided the people in.

The leading disciple smiled and said: “Which one of you is cultivator Lu?”

Wen Jing’s heart fell. He could only say: “It’s me.”

He came here to recognize familial relations with Lu ZhiShan. If it wasn’t mentioned, he would have almost forgotten.

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