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Thanks to Duan Xuan wanting to inspect the disciples’ cultivation progress, no one was in the mood to joke around. Each one returned to their dwellings to either practice their techniques or to rest.

Early the next morning, while the sky was still black as ink, Wen Jing got dressed and headed to the main hall.

Already waiting within the main hall were five or six people waiting in agony for their master.

Within《A Calamity for All Living Things》, Duan Xuan was a controversial person who was regarded with mixed opinions. Some liked his straightforward character while others felt he was irresponsible to his disciples and predicted he might only be cannon fodder.

In the beginning, Wen Jing also didn’t hold a good opinion of Duan Xuan until a reader called “Real Water Has No Scent” gathered together all the passages about Duan Xuan and carefully analyzed them. Afterwards, Wen Jing changed his opinion.

This article called 《Duan Xuan’s Inner World》was a lengthy posting of over 4000 characters and was a pleasure to read.

【Duan Xuan’s biggest accusation is that he’s irresponsible, indifferent, and doesn’t oversee his disciple’s cultivation studies. Let’s see if that’s true.

Chapter 37: «Jun YanZhi then used the《True Yang Sword Secret》 which he had trained to the fourth level. The sword point collided with Duan Xuan’s unbroken spiritual energy which protected his entire body. Duan Xuan looked at him coldly. Spiritual energy poured out and with the sound of shattering metal, the sword neatly snapped into four pieces. Jun YanZhi looked at the broken sword lying on the ground, he had a realization.»

Here, Duan Xuan is very ruthless. During his disciples’ training, his sword is destroyed.
However, Jun Yanzhi’s “realization”, was due to what?

And look here.

Chapter 98: «The bitter cultivator struck out with his hands against the raised red longsword as he laughed and called out: ‘Even if I don’t use a sword, I can still chop you to pieces.’ Saying this, he seized the handle of a long sword from a Qi Refining disciple at the side and flew at Jun YanZhi. Jun YanZhi flipped over his right hand and grasped the handle of a cyan longsword. He did not urgently dash forth but only protected his body with his spiritual energy and strove to resist. After a while, the cyan longsword suddenly flew out. Fast as lightning, it rushed towards the opposite party and collided with a metallic sound. The longsword of the bitter cultivator had snapped in two. It was very shocking.»

Do you feel that Jun YanZhi’s move is similar to Duan Xuan? I think it is.

Jun YanZhi has the highest comprehension of those in Hui Shi peak. His “realization” was not abnormal. I think he understood what Duan Xuan was trying to teach him.

If everyone feels this is far-fetched here’s another.

Chapter 101: «Jun YanZhi said: ‘All swords have flaws. The lower the quality, the more obvious the flaws. During a confrontation when probing with spiritual energy, perhaps these weak points can be discovered and then this weakness can be used.’»

Gui XinBi said with envy: "Fourth Senior Brother’s comprehension is high. I don’t know how to do that"

Jun YanZhi said: "This was taught by Master.'”

In other words, the groundwork for the things around chapter 100 was laid in chapter 37.

Here are a few more examples.


Why didn’t he directly teach his disciples? I think there are several reasons.

First, because he’s a genius.

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