CHAPTER 43 closed-door cultivation or vacation?

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Suddenly a wave of coldness washed over. The mountain wind blew in from the window, bringing rain with it across the room. The not fully closed window made whoosh sounds.

Wen Jing rapidly buried his head in between Jun YanZhi’s neck and shoulder. Overwhelmed, he was biting his smooth neck.

Jun YanZhi quietly said: “Don’t rush, shidi.”

Wen Jing was sad to the point of crying.

He had thought that he admired and revered Jun YanZhi which was why he behaved like a dog, running circles around him. However, he didn’t know that his feelings towards Jun shixiong were actually so unclean. It was too shameless……

Uncontrollably, Wen Jing kissed Jun YanZhi’s mouth and intermittently said: “Shixiong, I, I’m sorry. I’m simply……” not a human being……

A wave of sour pain scattered in Jun YanZhi’s heart. He wholeheartedly kissed the squirming little animal in his arms: “It’s alright. Since a long time ago, I have……already towards you……”

Suddenly, a piercing light came from the window. Half of the room was as bright as if it was daytime. Wen Jing slightly stilled for a moment. Immediately afterwards, an ear-shattering thunder exploded above their heads.

Wen Jing’s movements abruptly stopped, extremely flustered.

Jun YanZhi’s clothes were a mess. His perfect body was merely half covered. His lips were swollen from Wen Jing’s biting. There were even some traces of blood. It contained the wonderful feeling of the aftermath of being ravaged.


Thunder sounded once again . It was even louder and ear shattering than the previous one. The lightning seemed to split the sky in two, full of anger. Wen Jing’s scalp tingled. His eyes started becoming hot.

Even the heavens above couldn’t bear to look anymore. Was it coming to punish him?


The enticing person underneath quietly called out in □□ sounds, hoarse and low. Wen Jing became muddleheaded again.

He once again lowered his head to kiss. He kept saying “sorry” in shame while tremblingly pulling apart Jun YanZhi’s clothing, biting on completely without any skills. The feelings of guilt were strong, but it was hard to endure like the flames that spread throughout the plains. It burned him to the point of not being able to think.

A spiritual pressure came from outside the door.

Jun YanZhi slightly squinted but had no way to prevent Wen Jing from raising his head and being at the end of his wits: “There’s someone……”

Jun YanZhi’s felt bitterness in his heart as he nodded: “En.”

Wen Jing lowered his head and watched him. His courage was originally not very big. At this moment, he was ashamed and had even less self-confidence. He roughly made a fist and then swiftly got off the bed. Regardless of everything, he rushed into the yard, panting. His thoughts were jumbled.

With a guilty conscience, he raised his head to take a look and saw Duan Xuan standing not too far away, coldly watching him.

“Shi, shifu……” Wen Jing had unshed tears in his eyes.

Shifu was standing here all along. He must know about him bullying shixiong……

Duan Xuan’s body was a little stiff. He had something to say but couldn’t say it aloud. It was a long while before he stiffly and coldly said: “Have you finished swinging 200 times today?”

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