Ch 78 - Oath Under Snow, Murder Death Kill

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I'm glaring at Assassin as he's screaming in pain and agony after I cut off his arm, watching him screaming like a bitch is like a music to my ears.

Shinji: "My arm... MY ARM!!!"

(Y/N): "Do you want me to cut off the other one too?"

Shinji: "Damn it!"

He then streaming me with bunch of knifes, targeting all my vitals point but at this moment, they're nothing but a child toys.

I'm bring down my white coat, using it as shield to absorb the forces of those incoming knifes before thrown it away and rushing toward him.

But as he about to reach my sword's range, my feet stopped suddenly.

Shinji: "Hihihi... What a fool"

I looked down and saw that a tentacales-vines like are coiled up my swords, stopping my movement.

Shinji: "My arms are still move even if you cut it off! What about yours, huh!?"

I just sighed disappointed as saw that he is lunging from the side with long knifes on his right foot, launching a sweep kick to me.


1. Punch Shinji.
2. Restraint your-

I moved my body onward, leaving the married swords behind before spinning horizontally to gains momentum and forces.

This was enough caused his eyes widened in surprises as my right foot kicked him in the face and I've applied reinforcement on it.

Shinji then launching out of my home, before flying and crashing down onto nearby tree.

(Y/N): "These hands will never hold anything which why your face will catch my feet instead..."

I calmly walking outside and prepare to finish this battle.

Shinji: "*grunted* Hey, hey, hey, I never heard anything about this! That card in undoubtedly garbage... Why you can install it!?"

I'm still walking closer to him and enough causing him to screams in fear.

(Y/N): "Come on, dude... scream more! Bark for me..."

Shinji: "Damn it! Damn it! Who the hell are you!? Who the hell is that Heroic Spirit!?"

(Y/N): "No one in particularly... It's just a nameless hero wannabe..."

Shinji: "I see... You anchored it. You were hiding something that related to that Heroic Spirit and linked it to the Throne of Heroes...."

I'm still walking onward before stopped upon stumbles on something.

It was Sakura's scarf.

The scarf that I gifted to her in her last year birthday.

I then picked it up before looking it with as sadness is dwelling inside of me.

This snowy night was cold...

But what she left behind...

...was much colder.

Shinji: "Hey, hey, did you just ignoring me here? Do you think you are stronger than me!?"

(Y/N): "Didn't someone ever tell you to never mess with a man with nothing left to lose?"

Shinji: "*grit teeth* Why you.... you and everyone... were making fun of me!?"

(Y/N): "You know, you are really suck as Assassin, Shinji. Try harder next time. If you still have that "next time" of course"


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