Ch 67 - Duel of Waifus, Keqing vs Ayaka

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Bishui Plains

3rd Person P.O.V

In the field that was a river passes through it, there are two figures are stood and facing to each others with stern eyes. Ready up themselves to fight.

One of them is a noble girl from one of the famous clans, a white-haired petite and beautiful woman. The famous princess of Kamisato Clan from Inazuma.

Kamisato Ayaka.

While in the other side is a young woman the Yuheng of Liyue Qixing. The purple twintail haired girl that was charged of land management, construction, real estate and the other affairs of Liyue.


There are two spectators that were took a sit in nearby chair watching them. The older white-haired man is intensely slurping a booba drink as looking at those two girls lighting glares at each other and the other one is scared as hell.

Ayaka: "As your request I'm here alone, Miss. Cat-ears. Please ignore that old white-haired man over there. He's an nuisance..."


(Y/N): "*sighed* Why did it turned like this?"

Then, Keqing summoned her sword and readied her stance before speaking up.

Keqing: "Did you finished writing your last wish, Cat-thief? Because now, I'll bury your light and dance into the spotlight..."

Ayaka: "Ara~ Don't you worry? The one who will finished here is you, Miss. Cat-ears"

Said her as summoned her sword and ready to take up the fight.

Ayaka: "Show me your motivation..."

Keqing: "Let's dance..."

The duel between two waifus ready to take the spotlight in this field of land of Bishui Plains.

- Frostflake Heron -
|Kamisato Ayaka|

- VS -

- Driving Thunder -

Heaven or Hell.

Let's rock!

The two figures are vanished as dashes slashed each other, leaving a light spark and sound of their clashing swords.

(Y/N): "Wait... Why did I heard burry the light all of sudden?"

The two of them appeared and distance themselves and ready to reposition, and delivering another strike but Keqing is the first who is taking the initiative.

She's enveloping her body with Electro energy and dash slashed Ayaka's lower body section but guarded well by the princess of Kamisato.

Yet, Ayaka feels the overwhelming strength after defended that strike alone.

Ayaka: "*minds* She's strong..."

But Keqing is narrowing her eyes as usually, the bandits that were lurking in the Ruin can't even reacted at this speed.

Keqing: "*minds* She's very skilled..."

Both of them were commented at how strong they are in the minds but not wants to reveal them.

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