Ch 55 - The Underground Mine

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A few hundred meters from the Chasm, the 8th Bridge Company and (Y/N) are currently gathered themselves in the shadow of a tree as organizing a plan to rescue a girl that's currently in the depth underground.

They're organizing plan from far away and so, the Liyue's soldiers won't see them and (Y/N) wants avoiding Yanfei as much as he can.

Angelo: "Now, how we can enter the Chasm as you know, Mr. (L/N), both us, the Fatuus and the Millelith have a bad history. Thanks to Tartaglia deeds in released the Vortex Lord"

(Y/N): "I know... I know. I'm not a fool. Then, how about this?"

Said him as slammed down a map and there a X-marked on it.

(Y/N): "I've investigated the Chasm from outside and found a hidden tunnel but it was buried from inside with boulders. Thanks to a giant frog that was causing earthquakes in Liyue..."

Angelo: "That's mean..."

(Y/N): "I'd like you all to dig into it while I'll come down from the front... If one of us meet with your friend in the Chasm don't go outside yet and wait till all of us gathered"

Angelo: "But, this tunnel is guarded by soldiers, I presume..."

(Y/N): "You're right but thanks to upcoming festival, almost all of soldiers are helping Liyue Qixing and the only guards left are in the front entrance..."

Angelo: "I see... I don't know why you're going that far for us"

(Y/N): "Thank Lyudochka for this. She's going so far for you guys even prepare herself to sell her body to me as reward... which I respectfully refused her offers. I did this because I'm her friend"

Angelo: "I'd appreciate your help, Red Bowman. And tell her our thanks when you meet her..."

(Y/N): "*sighed* Fine... Let's stop talking and more working"

The Red Bowman and the 8th Company are walking away to their destination.

As (Y/N) about to get close at the Chasm's entrance cave, few soldiers stopped him in track while closed the door while crossed their spears.

Soldier: "Halt! The Chasm is sealed off! If you're an outsider please... Wait, It's you, Mr. (L/N)"

(Y/N): "Finally! Someone recognized me despite the changes of my appearance..."

Soldier: "I'm sorry, sir. I can't allowed you to enter the Chasm... There's many mysterious incident occurred in it. Liyue Qixing prohibited anyone to enter this place"

(Y/N): "I'm aware about that. No normal adventures could deal with them. That's why I'm here... Liyue Qixing wanted to reopen this place for miner, I'm here to clearing monsters and to make sure the path is safe for everyone..."

Of course, that was bullshit. This man is lies naturally as he breath.

Soldier: "Huh? Is that so? Why I'm not informed with this?"

(Y/N): "Due to upcoming Rite Lantern Festival, Liyue Qixing is busier than usual... This is the reports of legal terms from me to get in the Chasm..."

That was lies.

If Yangfei found out this is a fake reports then, (Y/N) would be in much more trouble. Thanks for being Yuheng's secretary, he know how to make a perfect counterfeit reports.

The leader of soldiers took the reports and read them carefully. But since it's come from the former of Yuheng's secretary, the reports are so real which are enough to convince them.

Soldier: "Open the path for Mr. (L/N)!"

The soldiers opened the path and stop putting up their guards. But, (Y/N) not advance one step which gained confusion out of the leader of soldiers.

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