Ch 38 - The Precious Tengu

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The scenery of his world is the same as always, never changes at all. The same deserted wasteland, the swords like grave markers were there as the mark of fallen victims of his history. Same as mine, his hands are covered in bloods and never hold anything matters.

But unlike me, he's still persuade the same idealism he was uphold even regreted his own choice while I lost my ideal in that darkness.

He stand tall on top of the hill of swords, looking at me with a same smile like before.

Emiya: "Yo, buddy. You still alive?"

I just give him a exhausted smile before answering his question.

(Y/N): "Sadly... Yes"

But soon, I got confused as why is the reason for him being here?

Emiya: "I never thought, you are capable projected a blade using all of the swords materials within your Realty Marble. It seems, you're far superior than me in terms of projection..."

(Y/N): "Well, I just took the improvisation in another level and I kinda have enough times trained myself..."

Emiya: "Oh, yes... With what you would usually do... What it is? I almost forgot it"

I smiled as he was widened his eyes upon the realization of what I usually do.

Emiya/(Y/N): "Motivation..."

(Y/N): "Yeah, with motivation anything is possible..."

Emiya: "I see..."

(Y/N): "Now, tell me... What's your reason for coming here?"

He just sighed heavily and shrugged his should while shaking his head for a few times.

Emiya: "It's the price for using that power too much... Are you aware of it?"

(Y/N): "Maybe..."

Emiya: "No, you're not. Once you're completely done with that transformation. You'll be a Heroic Spirit in human flesh, which mean... the concept of time does not apply for you and upon the death, your soul unable to go to either heaven or hell"

(Y/N): "What's exactly that means?"

Emiya: "It's mean... You'll stop aging the moment you're finished turned into me..."

(Y/N): "So, am I immortal?"

Emiya: "No, you can still die like a normal humans, you just can't die with old age since you'll stop aging..."

I see... It's not like immortality as I can still die due blood loss, or stabbed in the heart. It's reassure to know that I can kill myself once all the people l loves leaving me behind alone.

(Y/N): "What about my soul?"

Emiya: "*sighed* After the death, you will go to the Throne of Heroes as a proper Heroic Spirit. You're more proper Heroic Spirit than me, the Counter Guardians but it will be hard to summon you as a Servant because..."

(Y/N): "Because I don't have a proper catalyst to identify me, right?"

Emiya: "You're correct..."

I sighed disappointed and turning around my body, decided to leave his world.

(Y/N): "I thought, you're here to debating my actions in that world. Turns out, I'm very wrong. If that was all you have to say, I'm sorry, I'm already resolved myself to embrace the prices as long as I can protect the ones I love..."

Emiya: "..........."

(Y/N): "Even with resembles appearance we're not the same person, Emiya. You've took the path of hero. The path of saving many people as many as you can but in the end, you're betrayed by them and even that idealism was doing the same thing. That's why I took the path of guardian..."

The Steel of Mortal | Genshin Impact x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now