Ch 2 - Liyue and Qixing

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Ningguang: "So, what you're saying is you were transported by someone you didn't even know? And come here without any knowledge about this world? And didn't even know what's to do?"

She summarized after I finished explaining, of course I left the part out about Holy Grail War, Counter Force and Alaya since I remembered Shirou literally told me he was summoned here by Alaya two thousand years ago.

Just playing safe.

Ningguang: "What do you plan to do now?"

Actually that's a good question, thanks for asking. What am I going to do? Since I will live in this world maybe learning how to makes money and get proper lifestyle, not a wealth one but at least it's good enough likes before.

And looking informations as much as I can, history, society and anything that could be useful for me.

(Y/N): "Maybe learn how to makes money and don't forget about learning how this world society works... but there is a problem..."

Ningguang: "What is it?"

(Y/N): "I don't know where to start..."

I'm troubled and Ningguang clearly sees that. A lightly and cute chuckled escape from her mouth.

Ningguang: "May I suggest something? Since you're from another world, I'm sure you don't have anywhere to stay and of course you don't have money, right?... Then would you like to stay at my place the Jade Chamber?"

That's... sound expensive. I'm sure this would not be free. The offer is too good for me. By the way she talks, she much like as business man in my world but who I can judge. It's just purely based from my instinct.

(Y/N): "What's the catch?"

I warily asked drawing out a smile of Ningguang.

Ningguang: "It seem you're already know how things work around here. In exchange, I would like for you to work for one of my colleagues, a Liyue Qixing... Think it as secretarial works"

(Y/N): "Paperwork or not?"

If all I've gotta do is work then I can do it but paperwork is not my specialty. I would've at least helped them whenever they needed me without asking, but please no paperwork...

...That things scare me.

Ningguang: "No, you don't have to worry about that. The one you'll be working is diligent... too diligent to the point of almost overwork"

As said that last part Ningguang take a glance toward Ganyu drawing out blush out of her face in embarrassment.

Ningguang: "You won't be doing much, at most it'll be physical labor or at least make sure she doesn't collapsed from her overwork"

...Okay, that's not sound bad. Honestly it's sound really tempting. But, there major problems here.

(Y/N): "I'd appreciate the offer but could you give me a month? I'll definitely joined at that time"

Ningguang: "Why a month? You can joined anytime you want..."

(Y/N): "That's precisely why... this Qixing you're talking about it's seem a place where anyone wants to joining badly but can't... What's happen if a outsider like me joined them without any experience and knowledge about Liyue?"

Ningguang surprised at the statement, but nodded acknowledged my points. The jealousy of Liyue's civilians would caused some problems if a outsider joined Liyue Qixing without tried at some jobs let alone without a test.

(Y/N): "One month, I need to get used with civilians and the atmosphere around Liyue. And it'll give me some experience dealing with the works around it..."

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