Ch 20 - The Hidden Talent of Red Bowman

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Eventually, (Y/N) got impatient as hearing all of bullshits Dainslief was spoken the clues, theories and all of short stories about Abbys Order in their way. He didn't want to understand them, he just wants to destroy them.

(Y/N) don't give a shit about the plans or reasons of Abbys Order terrorizing the world. He just wanted to put end their little organization.

Unfortunately, Lumine was interested and he can't stopped heard them.

Dainslief: "Have you heard about Khaenri'ah?"

Lumine: "I have some memories of it..."

(Y/N): "Please continue the discussion there... I have tea to brewing..."

Then, (Y/N) let them alone in discussions while he was brewing tea and of course, used Noble Phantasm for the fire while he projected kettle and a glass.

He's doing his own business while humming an old nursery rhyme song that was sent a cold shiver to Paimon's spine.

Paimon: "Hey, (Y/N). U-um, can please stop singing that... it's kinda terrified me"

(Y/N): "London Bridge is falling down ~ Falling down ~ Falling down ~ London Bridge is Falling down ~ My fair lady..."

Paimon: "NOOOOO!"

She quickly flying away and hide behind Lumine as trembling in fear because how he sang the song. He used deep note and croaked voice that was causing some mental distortions to Paimon.

(Y/N): "HAHAHAHA! You should look at your face, Paimon. It's dumb as fuck..."

Lumine: "Alright, alright... Please don't bully her, (Y/N)"

(Y/N): "You know I can't do that..."

Dainslief: "Please listen to me, (Y/N). I've found this talisman on our way here. Perhaps, Abbys Herald dropped this... It could provide us with some information about their operation"

(Y/N): "Abyss Herald? What the fuck is that shit?"

Dainslief: "You not heard my explanation, don't you?"

(Y/N): "Nah, I stopped listening since the first part. My tea is more important than random bullshits you just spit out..."

Dainslief: "Abyss Herald is an even more Abyssal being-"

(Y/N): "So, it's just a bigger version of Abyss Mage... Got it. Now, I understand"

Lumine and Dainslief just dumbfounded at his reaction.

Dainslief: "You're wrong- wait, whatever. It's not worth it to makes you understand how dangerous Abyss Herald is..."

(Y/N): "As if I care about that... whatever they are, as long as they hold the name of "Abyss"...I will kill them..."

Dainslief: "I did like that thought of yours. Anyway, I'll try translate it, since it was script of Khaenri'ah... Hmm... "Engluf the faith of enemy in flame. Bring the mighty glory to His Majesty, the Prince...""

Paimon: "Is that what it says?"

Lumine: "Let him continue, Paimon"

Dainslief: "..."Loom of fate, initial operation"... Hmm, they seem carrying out a big operation. The keywords is "Loom of Fate". It's either they were launching a grand scale operation or still conducting preliminary tests..."

Paimon: "... Loom of Fate. It is literally a... fate-weaving machine?"

(Y/N): "Or it could be a power that could intervened with fate, destiny or reality?"

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