Ch 49 - There is Light within Darkness

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Right now, Shenhe is in her motherly instinct to protect Chongyun at all cost. Her gesture is like that mother animals. She will strike anyone that entered her territory and so, what I need to do is separate them first before I can heal Chongyun.

That's why I need that poor Geo God help.

(Y/N): "Alright Zhongli. On my count. Are you ready?"

Zhongli: "Absolutely"

(Y/N): "Alright. Three! One! Go!"

Zhongli: "Can't you count properly?!!"

He's marching forward first before conjured Geo shield energy around his body while I'm waiting for the right opportunity to sneak in her territory.

I make my move once Zhongli crossed spear against Shenhe and both of them engaged in battle. Quickly, Zhongli created three stone pillars which blocked Shenhe's views on Chongyun which means, my time has come.

Despite being drowned in deepest part of insanity, Shenhe was conjured two Cyro avatars and leave them behind in case if she can't defend her territory.

(Y/N): "Nice. She's smart woman but, you picked the wrong neighborhood fool!"

Quickly, I projected a pair of Rule Breaker before whipped them out like an dagger, throw them at the avatars which they were connected, makes them returned into Ice particles.

And so, I was already at Chongyun's side after defeat those Cyro avatars before scanned Unlimited Blade Works, looking for the best healing tools I may have which it wasn't needed a second to find it.

(Y/N): "Trace On!"

If there healing armament that could be used by Emiya in his arsenal then the answer is that sheath.

Avalon, the Sheath of Excalibur.

Which was summoned on my hand. The golden scabbard that was emitting miracles was here.

Sadly, I can't used it as defense armament rather than that, I can only draws out its miracles for healing purposes.

But it was enough as long as this scabbard doing the job and it's healing Chongyun pretty well but only physical. After this, he needs to take a long heck of rest to recovering his mental damage.

After it's done the job, the golden scabbard vanished into blueish particles.

Then, I stood up. I've healed Chongyun. And now...

(Y/N): "I've done my job, Zhongli. Now, let me solo her..."

I'm slowly walking toward the Geo God and the mad lady that is currently fighting while destroying the sorrounding forest.

Zhongli: "In a fight right?"

(Y/N): "*smiles*"

Zhongli: "*sweatdropped* In a fight, right?"

(Y/N): "*shit-eating grin*"

Zhongli: "*sighed* She's yours..."

I'm dashing forward as Zhongli jumped backwards, letting me passed him before I'm projected a pair of married swords and parried the incoming spear attacks that was launched by Shenhe.

Our weapons are locking to each other as I'm looking into her eyes. It's only void that I could find. She's may not screaming like some sort of mad beast or something but I can see even could feels them...

The sadness is dwelling in her eyes.

It is because Chongyun was hurt, huh. She's really overprotective of him.

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