Ch 74 - Oath Under Snow, The Child of God

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In that calamity, and in that forest of fire that was killed everyone I loved. Who was been saved again? It is me? or that man?

That day.

That night.

The truth is... I should die in that fire.

I've ignored all of their cries of helps just to save mine but, am I worthy to be alive? Am i worthy to be saved. Until this day, that question... still remains unanswered.

No... The one who's been saved that day was not me, but a man called Kiritsugu Emiya.

He's crying gratefully upon holding my exhausted body while keeps repeated saying the words of "Thank you" over and over again.

Why did he said that words to me?

I don't know.

I don't want to know.

After that happened...

He adopted me as his son and teach me various knowledge about Magecraft and bestowed me the name of Emiya.

And so, that day, my identity is changed into a new one.

And that is (Y/N) Emiya.

Kiritsugu shoved Magecrafts knowledge even though he's bad at teaching magic, he was just good at explaining them.

Once he knew, all I can do is projection magic, he was devastated and told me to stop in the development and focused onto a new ones Magecraft.

He taught me about Reinforcements in exchange of Projection and some sort of Structural Analysis Magecraft which it was based on my original Projection.

Since I always self-improved, I've tried to do Area Structural Analysis but the amount of mana that was needed was... quite big.

I was learning to improve myself but, I'm quite bad at prana conservation area.

That was pathetic.

And so, I honed my Reinforcements to its fullest even Kiritsugu praised me for it and taught me some martial arts like Bajiquan. The martial art of Chinese.

With growing up and training every day as Magus, I'm stronger than any kids in my age.

And I'll keep growing stronger.

One day, Kiritsugu took me to a place where I don't even know. He's riding a car and with me in the front seat.

(Y/N): "Where are we going, Kiritsugu?"

Kiritsugu: "To some place where the calamity is occurring there..."

(Y/N): "Why?"

Kiritsugu: "To save as many people as we can, (Y/N)"

Said him before a tornado of shadow is swallowing up the city in the distance which caused Kiritsugu to step the gas pedal, increasing the car speed.

It was clearly that Kiritsugu in hasted as I never seen him like this.

Indeed, the Heroes of Justice would never turned to a blind side even if the phenomenon is beyond the mortal plane.

And within minutes, we're arriving at the city that was completely destroyed and the tornado of shadow was never seen again.

We're walking slowly on the road, looking for survivor and suddenly, I feels weak to even stand up as falls down but Kiritsugu catch me.

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