Ch 1 - Crashing to Teyvat

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(Y/N): "Where the heck am I?"

Opened my eyes, I was surprised by the scenes that given to me. It's a desert wasteland that filled with endless number of sword, endless possibilities. The deserted version of my world.

The scene he always saw till his journey comes to end

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The scene he always saw till his journey comes to end.

???: "I've been expecting you to come... to my surprise, you exceeded my expectations"

(Y/N): "Hey! It's me!"

He stood tall in the endless of grave markes. This man himself was another version of me comes from another world and another timeline with different name when I become the Counter Guardian.

This is strange feelings, the old version of me looking at myself and he sighed in disappointment.

Of course, Yes it is... if I meet my old version self I'd do the same.

???: "Alaya has taken interest of you but why she let me welcomed you? It's not my job... but whatever I'm going dissapeared after all... I hate this job of mine"

(Y/N): "I see... You must flipping her off with that smug smile when you go to the other side"

???: "That's... must be satisfying thing to do"

I nodded gives him a 'Yes' and he chuckled softly as imagine how Alaya reacted when he do that. He must be happy as he found a way to stop being a hero of justice, a Counter Guardian. I should be happy for him too.

???: "It's enjoyable to see what if I choosen a different path... I'm sorry but Alaya want to save a world and decides to transport you there since I've cut my links with the Counter Force... the world is called Teyvat. I've been there two thousand years ago when the war of Archon was occurring"

(Y/N): "Nah... no problem. I don't have anything better to do and if she can't used you it's much better"

The man chuckled as he bid farewell. To tell the truth, it's a strange day, meeting with my older self, transported into another dimension, but I'm not a Counter Force so I'm going to enjoy myself full and fuck off with Alaya's job.

Seems like shitty plot of Isekai anime.

(Y/N): "I guess it will be the first and the last time I meet you... give my thanks to King of Knight for taking care of me if you met her there, Shirou!"

I waved to my old self as blinding light engulfed me, surprised to me I could seen his smile for the first time an actually honest smile

And thus (Y/N) (L/N) was disappeared from the world of endless sword as biding his farewell with his old self, the old self of his idealism the hero of justice.

Emiya: "I will... (Y/N)"

He smiles satisfied as about to get rid his responsibility as Counter Force, he found a way to do it. With blinding light that engulfed him, he said weakly as an honest smile appeared out of him.

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