Ch 63 - Deep Shadow Within the White Snow

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The group is looking upward Albedo as he's being surrounded by Cryo energy and see them with a smirk on his face, before swiped his hairs backward as if feeling no remorse to attacked them.

Soon, the group knew that this person isn't Albedo, just the imposter using his appearance to get closer to them.

Eula: "So, you are the imposter, huh?"

Albedo just smirking while swipe his hair backward.

Albedo: "Heh, once you're all died. I'll be the original one..."

Amber: "So, you were creating that avalanche to split up us!?"

Albedo: "Why? Of course"

Said him as looking at them with a serious expression.

Albedo: "That white haired man in red clothes is a threat for my plan. I could see that man really care for you two that's why, I made that avalanche in my suit, creating a danger level for you two and so, he will got hit in order to save both of you..."

Amber: "*angry* You son of a bitch!"

Albedo: "You're right about that but that's not the point..."

Eula: "*growled* I'll kill you... I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

Albedo: "Then come at me!"

The group is rushing at Albedo but the imposter just raised his hand, creating icicles spears before launching those spears toward them.

Eula: "Amber! Bennett!"

Amber: "Yeah!"

Bennett: "On it!"

Lumine: "I'll help too!"

Two Pyro users are generating their energy and creating flame shield while Lumine creating earth dome with Eula using her claymore to protect their two friends from incoming icicles spears.

The ice spears crashing down on the group, creating snow dust when it's cleared, it's revealing the group without a scratch. Indicating that Amber and Bennett are able protected them with Pyro shield.

Lumine: "Why? Why did you choose to impersonated, Albedo? Are you trying to be him and infiltrate the Knight of Favonious from inside?"

Albedo: "Nice theory, Traveler but it's fucking wrong!"

Lumine: "Huh?"

Albedo: "Bitch, are you fucking dumb?"

Lumine: "What!?"

Albedo: "Can't you see my appearance? I'm so fucking adorable..."

The group is looking at him deadpaned upon heard the reason.

Paimon: "*sweatdropped* Did this guy just said that he impersonated Albedo because he thought his appearance is adorable?"

Everyone: ".........."

Albedo: "Anyway, I'm done with your fucking bullshit..."

Said him as raising his hand, generating a huge amount of Cryo energy, creating a Cryo Solar Isotama while smirking widely which made the Traveler and the others takes defensive position.

Albedo: "You guys are full of shit..."

But the Cryo Solar Isotama suddenly shattered as the imposter Albedo is getting stabbed from behind which revealed it was another Albedo that did the deeds.

I. Albedo: "*grunted in pains* What in the name of fucking audacity is this?"

R. Albedo: "Goodbye, loser..."

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