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"I wouldn't have missed a single minute of it, Not for the whole world."



I don't understand why the music without lyrics was my preference.

There are hundreds of types, and genres with impressive numbers of singers yet my mp3 is filled with playlists of only instrumental music.

Dapping the cleaning liquid on the soft muslin cloth, I gently wipe the disc. My hands and fingers were big, so I treat these discs like fragile pieces of glass and pay my utmost attention.

"You'd be able to manage the studio? I might take a little longer lunch break," Kishore uncle, the owner asks for the third time.

Sliding the disc back in its cover I place it on the neatly arranged wooden shelve. I meet the expectant gaze of the elder man, I don't know the right reassuring words to use so I only settle to nod. I worked for him for over a year now but there were only rare occasions he'd leave the responsibility to me. There was another younger man though he didn't trust him with his store. As he confessed to me in secret.

The real truth was Kishore uncle treated his music store- all these records like precious jewels. So his lack of confidence was understandable.

He good-heartedly squeezed my shoulder and left. I busied myself with accurately arranging the c-d covers. When I first started working here, the shelves were arranged according to emotional sections. Romance has one separate section then for depressing songs and so followed. I didn't like it. Though it wasn't like I could openly express my views to my employer. On the tenth anniversary of the store, Kishore uncle in casual conversations asked me what was one thing I'd prefer to change. He promised not to feel resentment and that my job was safe even if he didn't like my suggestion.

I still tried to delude the topic, days of his continuous probing I revealed my idea.

Music was personal, a comfort zone for people. Their preference should be revealed by their own choice. The customers in general who visit here to select their choices shouldn't be judged by fellow customers.

'Why are they in the depressed section- then start giving them pity looks.' Or some of them feel hesitant to pick the sad versions by observing someone else stacking up romantic or rock music.

People are afraid to be judged for their feelings then why not let them be at ease at least in this corner by dissolving the obvious differences?

He gave me a long thoughtful look, finally muttering- 'my perspective is difficult to be understood by impatient minds,' I couldn't understand if he berated me or praised me. It didn't matter.

From next week, he came up with an idea. A huge board was placed where the customers were requested to post messages without revealing any identity. And in return, they could pick anyone's if they liked.

"Kuch is Tarah" {Something like this} was the title he came up with. Within a couple of weeks, the idea was appreciated so much that the customer inflow was beyond his imagination. Kishore uncle gives credit to me but I don't agree. Moreover, he'd insist that I post it every day like him.

My creativity level was as clear as I could draw a straight line without the help of a ruler. It was none. Then Kavya became my savior. Whenever I couldn't-which was most of the days.

She was born with a creative bone in every sense. The only issue is her handwriting in perfect cursive and mine was...understandable. I'm good with numbers, but not the literature part.

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