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"When the trust is completely gone, it's completely gone. No words or deeds can refill that deep hole of mistrust."



If there is one thing I have learned and promised to follow is to never hurt the people I loved. I cared, in my life.

Only if promises were easy for you to keep. From my experience, I could firmly say, life especially tests commitments, You desperately want to preserve. Throughout my life, I have had to bear the pain of my trusted ones letting me down whether it was my Appa or my elder brothers. Being the single girl to three elder brothers, my parents always favored them, be it education or share in the property. Not like, I was interested.

If it was not for ammumma, {maternal grandmother} I knew my life would have remained in shambles. My family does care and love me, it was in their way though. Until I hung my head down, nodding along with what they assumed was best for me- I was treated like a princess. Exactly where the drift cracked. I hated to be surrounded by doll houses, kitchen toys, and pigtails with butterfly clips. I wasn't into that typical girly stuffy. My favorite color wasn't pink.

My family and their heredity reside in our village near Idukki in Kerala. A renowned place with decent lifestyles but still with age-old beliefs in many matters.

It wasn't wrong, though a common cause of argument between acceptance for 'modern thoughts.' Appa {Father} was the head of our village, it doesn't help he was an invincible wrestler and won countless rewards for the state in his life. Combined with his social status, his authority was unbeatable.

My three elder brothers had complete freedom, they were encouraged to act on their wishes albeit ensuring our family's integrity. They were formally trained by Appa too. My Elder brother was spitting image of his, my middle brother was more interested in business though he'd still practice wrestling only for Appa's sake. The third brother was a lazy bug with a mountainous ego. All had high temperaments I wasn't far, the only thing we had in common along with above-average heights.

Like an innocent child, I was accustomed to following their decisions until I started questioning, and understanding life from a new perspective. Ammumma would recite many stories, and updates on the modern world and would push me to learn them. Being the eldest and a woman, she was the most sorted, well-versed woman in our family. She was my guide to discovering the meaning of my existence.

If not for her, I wouldn't have opted for higher education when all the males denied even paying my expenditures. It was the first time Appa raised his hand when I was adamant to complete my education. It was also the moment the realization hit me- if I want to earn my identity I need to leave this intoxicating environment.

Ammumma took the hard decision, asking for help from Amma's cousin's brother cousin's residing in Mumbai with his family. And it was her best decision. My blessing in disguise. As I met my best friends- Arjun, Azar, Kavya, and Prithvi. They were the greatest gift of my life and Prithvi... my heart beats crazily even at the mention of his name.

He was everything I lost the hope was needed in life.

The man was tallest among us, muscular even more than Arjun and Azar though we all know his true strength was the immense patience, kindness, and selfless admiration he held for people he cared for in his precious heart. Outside his rugged looks, his extremely silent personality would come off weary. It was until the moment you'd spend time with him then his playful side along with many qualities would wrap your attention like no other.

It was my fortune, he chose me out of all the girls in the world to love. Since years.

Like a foolish girl, for a long time, I labeled it only friendship. It was only when I started questioning how his longing stares affect my heart, heated stares, warm up my body, or how I'd crave to be in his presence, denying everything I distanced myself from him.

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