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"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow."


I don't consider myself a sensitive and emotional person.

For as long as I can remember, I let my actions speak my thoughts. That was easy. I understood pretty early that I can't express myself through words. Ammu was extremely worried about my communication and social abilities. I didn't care much. With adulting, I acknowledged this-lack of expression verbally- was truly an issue.

The issue was rooted in how I didn't get enough space and chance to voice my thoughts or opinions in my family. Appa or my elder brothers decided everything for me. I could only follow their rules and decisions because they were in my best interest. I was fed with that one line for years.

It was logical to me at that time if no one wanted to hear I kept it to myself. Until I reached my breaking point. Then the whole buried pile of unspoken emotions and feelings were shown in my actions. Most of the time they were aggressive. Unreasonable. Like I have heard from the people around me.

And I wouldn't have control over my actions or results. If indirectly I was the cause of my loved ones' hurt, I hated myself. It was only later in life when Kavya, Azar, Prithvi, and Arjun rolled into my life, and I learned to express myself better.

But that doesn't mean my stoned-hearted personality turned into mushy cotton candy. Except in front of Prithvi. My heart like a love-sick fool chimes in. Fine, I can't argue there.

For him all the time and the rest of B-5 in some sane situations, I don't do feelings and shit.

Then why the hell I was arranging medicines for the woman I hated the most?

"You started to care about me or something?"

I should have sneaked in some sedatives in one of her meals. 'She has yet to have her dinner though.' Nice idea.

"Evil people shouldn't expect such good things from anyone in this world," I retort instantly. Like a little maniac, she laughed. "Ready to give answers?"

Gayatri Sooryavanshi was a dark mystery. If interested in risking your sanity only then they should get involved with this woman.

This was the conclusion I reached after a series of chaotic events over a couple of days. First, she revealed her marriage was completely fake. Then she claimed it was Bala's backstabbing plan that resulted in her in the hospital and Prithvi in jail. I still have my doubts. Second, she demanded me to divorce Prithvi. I almost had difficulty straining my urge not to kill her.

From her irritating smile, I'm sure she can read my intentions.

As much as I hated spending my time with her, she gladly enjoyed testing my patience. I had questions and she was doing everything but answering. 'Maniac witch.'

"Where are the divorce papers, Gayatri? What are you planning next?"

Just two questions but I have asked her fifty times at least. She was quick to submit all the pieces of evidence- the pen drive and documents that stated Bala had no marital rights on her or Sooryavanshi's assets. Going as far as giving a written statement that Prithvi had nothing to do with her suicide attempt. With Arjun's digging, Bala was arrested. Media also switched from crying emotional stories of how a stepbrother showed his true colors to What a wonderful and strong bond was between the Sooryvanshi siblings.

Bala was on his way to jail. This unpredictable woman was safe and sound in health. Mentally I wasn't sure. Though the main point was Prithvi was free of all the accusations. And he would be any minute home.

MY ENDLESS LOVE FOR YOU.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant