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"When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable."


Thud. Kick. Slam.

I have had a regime of working out every day in the gym for years now. But I never knew just two people, there would be a level of sound to make it seem like a hundred people are using the equipment at the same time.

Jyothika was punching more like beating the shit out of a punching bag. Dressed in the black outfit, gloves in hands, the scene was a mere flurry of punches and kicks. She was angry alright. I was the clear reason. The feeling was disturbing me for a couple of days. Unintentionally, I have snapped at her twice in the week.

It was unreasonable if I'm being honest. The workload and Gayathri's unfathomable behavior were taking almost my entire time.

If I ignored her, she'd do everything to get on my nerves. The incident from two days earlier still made me annoyed. After helping Jyothika in the kitchen, I got busy with business calls for almost an hour. It completely slipped out of my mind that she was still downstairs and it could have been someone else using our bathroom.

I tried to shake off the image to find Gayu in a bathrobe standing in our room and initiating the conversation with me. It was inappropriate in every meaning. And I lost it when she said that Jyothika allowed her to use the bathroom as hers had some problems. Jyothika should have informed me. I wouldn't have stepped in the room then.

It only occurred to me later that the whole situation might have been manipulated by Gayu. I was denying her attempts to talk and from her history, she'd do the stupidest stuff to pick on that person.

Anyway, a mistake was done. I couldn't manage to share a single meal with Jyothika for days now. Let alone have any decent conversation with her. Plenty of reasons to get on her bad side.

I dropped the dumbbell on the floor, done with my tricep set. Bending sideways, I snatched the bottle and took a swig, sighing at the cool sensation.

An off-track thought crossed my mind, she looked hot. Panting, groaning, the fluid movements of her body. Although a different scenario would have been better.

I hid my smirk in the pretense of wiping the sweat off at the way she was glancing at me from the corner of her eyes. She needed attention for her temperamental behavior. Not getting the desired response from my side, she whips out her gloves. Throwing them on the ground, she moves to lift the weights. My jaw clenches at her deliberate attempt to sabotage herself by working out sessions.

"Jyothika," I call her tersely, jumping up on my feet. "Drop the weights and come here,"

Does she listen? Of course, not. Instead, she crouches down to lift them vigorously. At this rate, she'd be injured. As if I'd let that happen. Before she could even react, I swiftly grasped the rod, throwing it on the other side. Next, She was on the floor as I took the high plank position over her body.

She grits her teeth, glaring at me. So natural. "Now, you're in my favorite position. Under me, out of breath, face flushed. Only this anger is a misfit. I'd rather prefer your eyes rolling back or maybe glossed over in daze when I'd-

"Shut up!"

It was strange that her anger was such a big turn-on to me. She tilts her chin in defiance, appearing disinterested. Keeping my balance with one hand, I curl my hand on her calf. She opens her mouth to yell at me instead her breath hitches as I wrap them around my hip. I do the same with her other calf, inhaling a deep breath. Now both her legs were wrapped around me. She tries to push me away. I only smirk at her uncoordinated movements.

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