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"Dreams are the wisps of the stars.

And the night breeze lets them glow.


Living for more than twenty years alone and coming back to an empty room, I thought I had been familiar with the feeling.

How terribly wrong I was. I fell in love and married the woman. She made me easily forget what it was like to live without her.

After our reconciliation at Arjun's place, we got a little distant from each other. Not by choice but due to circumstances. The reunion resulted in girls' day out quite often. Ayesha was pregnant, Meera was going to adopt a kid and then they had a lot to catch up on. Kavya had begun to talk with them through texts taking all of us by surprise. It was safe to say a major part of her time was blocked due to her girlfriends.

Her administrator position in the new hotel that I had gifted her, ate up the rest of her time. I was busy pulling up the company's prestige. Shutting down the yipping of greedy shareholders and banging huge deals with other ventures. Everything was going back to normal except for us.

I missed her. Coming back from the office, I missed her fussing around me. Asking about my day for a minute or two then babbling about every little detail about her day until I shut her up with my lips. I missed those evenings.

Now, either I'd be late or she'd be too tired to keep up with the conversation. At least my arms would automatically seek her even in sleep. Having a quick breakfast, brief hugs, and sharing longing gazes, both of us would be on our way.

It was difficult to have a work-life balance after marriage. I didn't want to intrude on her promising career and I couldn't compromise my professional commitments due to my personal life. Now that Dad had voluntarily retired, Gayu resigned from her position- everything in business had fallen onto my shoulder.

I could have still managed these changes if not for sacrificing my family time. Especially with Jyothika.

I need to plan a long vacation for us. Once we get more than ten minutes to have a proper conversation.

Today, I was forced to leave the office. Priyansh blamed me for his personal life turning lifeless due to my rigorous professional demands. Locking all the files, and stealing my laptop he pushed me out yelling 'Get a life and let me have my life!'

He was perpetually moody, to begin with, but Gayu's revelation and her abruptly leaving for an unforeseeable future have pushed him into a spiral of inconsistency. One day he was normal and the next day he would be annoyed even for breathing louder than needed by our employees.

I didn't argue with him. Jyothika was with the girls to get something for Kavya and Kabir. I was alone until she came back yet again. After mindlessly riding my bike around the city, I dragged my feet back home. Pushing the door open, I chucked my keys and wallet into the corner table, and next came my shoes. Everything was thrown in the corner. Usually, I'd keep our room clean but I had no mood.

Heaving out a sigh, I moved to my closet contemplating how much I was dependent on Jyothika's presence. I closed a hefty deal this morning. The profit margin was enough to put a sock in everyone's mouth who doubted my capability for months. Yet it didn't make me smile even for a minute. She didn't call me even once in the whole day. Now, I wasn't welcomed by my wife after a tiring day anymore.

I could have called her. Shit, why didn't I think of it earlier? Because I was used to waiting for Jyothika's routine calls at lunchtime.

Now I was questioning and answering myself. Great.

MY ENDLESS LOVE FOR YOU.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن