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"Those broken girls have the deepest love."


Reality could feel like a blur of moments. You're going through them but you don't feel anything.

I'm grasping the edges of my sanity not to give up into numbness. Demanding me to give up. No, I don't deserve to be tossed around just to satisfy someone's expectations.

A little time more, hold yourself. I mumbled to myself. Distracting myself from depressing thoughts, I concentrate on my surrounding.

Any important gatherings will take place in the special arena- the village's common ground.

It was more of a vast marbled dome-shaped structure that opened three ways to a vast ground. With the profound presence of the deity - Goddess Bhagwati, being the center of attraction.

It was enough to accommodate hundreds of people at a time. Since childhood, this place would bring peace to my heart. Whenever I'd visit home, this was where I'd spend most of my time.

I shared my happiness, cried, and complained- all sorts of emotions secretly in front of Her. Ammumma would always urge me to let out my emotions through some source. Due to the closed and strict ambiance in the home, I struggle to express myself. This was a great option, where I could let down my guard and not fear being reprimanded.

There was one constant thing- I'd descend the stairs while exiting this place, with renewed hope for tomorrow. To keep moving on in life.

Could this day make me feel the same?

"You impressed and surprised me together today," Bala's arrogant voice interrupts my thoughts.

I never felt the mad urge to hit someone so badly like this moment.

I did not even twitch in response. My anger flared up with every passing minute with this pathetic man. After the commotion, I didn't bother to speak or look at anyone.

What was the use? My own family was bothered with entertaining the hundreds of guests or attaining this idiot and his family. As if they were doing me a great favor by accepting me as their daughter-in-law.

If not for Shay Anna's request, I'd burned the mandap while ethathi was escorting me to the stage.

Ammumma would be here at any moment. She informed him to wait for her and not a word to anyone else in the family. The news should give me a thrill, and encouragement to bear these nonsense stage show a little longer- Shay Anna was frowning for not finding anything different in my hollow gaze.

Maybe he expected me to wear a big smile as my life wouldn't end in the dark pit by marrying this useless man sitting beside me.

The only movement that happened all through the excruciatingly slow hour was- my eyes wandering in every direction. Searching for him. I know it was useless- he was gone. More like I forced him out of my life.

Selfishly I think it was better. There was no way for a minute longer I could bear to witness the anguish whispers in broken voice through his eyes.

Not my Appa's anger or any of my family's lack of care could tilt me off my ground but Prithvi, one indifferent look like I was the sole reason for his heartache, I'd shatter into nothing. Rightfully so.

I smile sarcastically realizing how I was being selfish again.

Our story was not meant to have a painful end. The tendons connecting our heartbeats were not meant to bleed out one day. We were on our way to building a future together, barely taking a few steps in its direction. Out of nowhere, a storm ripped everything apart.

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