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People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.

Love them anyway.


"I see that you found what you were searching for,"

We turn around at the frail voice and find an old man standing with a serene smile. Prithvi's eyes light up and he rushes to meet the man. Appa, some elders, and my family have come outside intending to welcome him. I saw everyone whispering in astonishment when Prithvi bend down to touch the old man's feet for his blessing.

I didn't miss Appa's features tightening with anger. His pride couldn't digest the fact his son-in-law was seeking blessings from a stranger than his. That too in front of his people. His eyes seek mine, and my elder brothers demand me to manage the situation.

I take a step. Not towards them but toward my husband. I pull up the veil to cover my head and touch his feet. The old man gets startled though blesses us with a prosperous future.

The message was clear to my family. I'm going to prioritize whatever my husband decides. Prithvi smiles at me, soaring my heartbeat.

"Kaka, meet my wife Jyothika Prithvi Raj Sooryavanshi," he introduces with content conviction.

The old man chuckles at his enthusiasm and happiness. The single sentence was enough to show he claimed what he wanted from this place. I averted my face with a shy smile.

Later, we respectfully bid goodbyes to the Kaka Ji and it was our turn to deal with my family. Surprisingly everyone waiting for us was immensely impressed with Prithvi's humbleness. I warned with my eyes to Appa and my elder brothers not to show their disagreement in front of Prithvi. They should be grateful that even after everything, he politely accepted their request to stay with them for a few days.

Ammu suggested spending quality time in one of her other properties. We called it a holiday home, she named it my name. After my karva chauth, we were going there. Prithvi would love it. For now, I'm going to try to amend the relationship between my family and my husband. As Ammu and Dadi Ji asked me to. However my family was, I wanted them to have a cordial basic relationship with Prithvi. At least.

The entire house was decorated like it was an onum festival. The air was filled with murmuring around Prithvi's attractive, rugged appearance and the delicious fragrance of food. Perks of being the only son-in-law of this family. Ah, I was feeling hungry already. Even if I was born and bought up in this home, it felt different to visit as a married woman.

Amma with Swati ethathi and Kayal ethathi came with Aarthi. Shekhar and Shey ettan placed a huge container.

"Allow us to welcome our son-in-law. Please place your feet inside, marumakan" Amma asks Prithvi, glancing at me with nervousness. At my silent nod of a question, she explains, "I and your Appa have to wash his feet as per the tradition. He accepted our daughter as his bride we have to show our gratitude,"

Way to make him awkward! I frantically shook my head, urging her to understand that it was not needed. Ammu walks in from the other side after freshening up. Ignoring the number of eyes on us I wave my hand to get her attention. She casually makes her way to us.

Before I could talk about the situation, Prithvi calmly placed his feet in the container. What was he doing? Ammu clasps my hand and blinks in assurance.

Why the hell it was needed? This was the reason we often had arguments as I couldn't agree with some of their regressive beliefs. I have to bite my tongue when Appa crouches on his knees to wash Prithvi's feet with milk and water. My elder brothers help him to get back up.

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