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"The storms of life will pass in a moment but the endurance inside of you will remain for a lifetime"


I pressed my back once I slam closed the door of my room. What has come down my life into?

Noises from outside or so-called celebrations were like piercing to my head from all sides.

It's been three days after Appa's {Father} declaration. I was to get married the day after tomorrow. Only two more days were left.

My mind was haywire with constantly jumping from earlier incidents and formulating my actions to counter them. Nothing seemed to work. With the occasional anxious trembling in my limbs, I dragged my feet to stumble onto my bed. Clutching one of the posters on the bed, I tried to normalize my breathing. Each passing minute was getting heavier on my heart.

The image of Amma begging not to Appa but for me to accept the proposal was revolving in my mind. She was aware it was useless to expect Appa to change his decision so Amma didn't even try.

Her tear-stricken face and the helplessness in her eyes pierced my heart, 'Please Chinna,{Little one} don't go against your father. If he decided something, he wouldn't be deterred from it, especially if it concerns the family's reputation. I beg you. If...he divorced me I'd rather die than to-

I cut her words and hugged her tightly. Minutes later, I left her with Kayal, and Swati ethathi urging her to take a rest. I didn't allow any of my elder brothers or ethathi to speak a word with me. What was the use? They'd repeat Appa's words all over again, I didn't have enough patience in me to remain quiet without destroying everything in my vicinity.

Pacing around in the room, ending up with no other option I sought my friends. I kept delaying reaching them as I wasn't sure about the circumstances I'd put them into. Instead, I tried contacting Ammumma. It didn't help the timing that she was on a pilgrimage with her friends.

Was this the reason Appa was speeding up the marriage? I wouldn't be shocked if it was true.

Ammumma was disappointed with me for succumbing to Appa's threats as she was confident the man would never do anything to jeopardize his reputation.

'I will snap his fingers before he'd even had the chance to touch the divorce papers,' her statement somehow assured me.

Still, the uncertainty of her arrival on time made me a nervous wreck. I was silently following whatever was expected of me for the rituals. Amma's continuous pleas weaken my resolve every time I try to outright deny Appa.

His reputation my foot! That Bala, it was his luck he didn't cross my sight yet, otherwise, I don't know for how long I could hold it in.

I desperately needed my friends. It was funny how I was surrounded by my family, who shared the same blood but none of them could give me an ounce of comfort. Especially Prithvi, unshed tears escape my eyes. I miss him terribly. To think of any other man except him in my life wretched my stomach.

Wiping them off, I took a shaky breath concentrating to call any of them. My fingers immediately seek Prithvi's contact, bringing the phone to my ear I rock myself back and forth, grasping the edge of the mattress tightly. 'Please, please answer...'

The call goes out of the coverage area twice, thrice. I get tensed for different reasons because Prithvi was not someone to go MIA. Was he still angry with me?

I contemplate calling Arjun then sigh dejectedly remembering he was on a holiday trip with his family. Kavya wasn't an option not after she abruptly had a secret wedding with Kabir and shifted to Delhi cutting contact from all of us. Only Meera and Ayesha talked with her twice it was clear she was avoiding us. So we decided to give her time.

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