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"You tried to tell your story to people who didn't know how to listen."


I was supposed to be at home. With my Jyothika.

Our little honeymoon had ended. Spending most time of the day with each other and nights spent in wild love has strengthened our bond. We were back in Mumbai. I wished to continue living in those beautiful moments with her. But life works on a balance. If they were good times then the bad times will make their presence too. To remind life wasn't about rainbows and flowers.

I tapped the butt of the cigarette and saw the once glowing embers now turned into a grey lifeless form falling on the ground. Back in our teenage, I and Arjun were used to cheap cigarettes. Once we started earning, it was our oath never to buy expensive packs to remind ourselves the addiction was worthless.

And whenever we get the urge, the cheap sticks put us in place. The fear of never falling into its trap and throwing our years of hard work into its vicious cycle. We did smoke but it was reduced. Now, he quit the habit due to his wife. Something that I never could have imagined. It still shocks me how that bitch turned into a loyal, domestic man. Fuck, I had a meeting with him in two days. I was not going to hear the end of it from him. I was dreading a little and was slightly excited. Not for his smug face but to meet his little family. He was the father of two kids. The realization just hits me straight in my chest.

I missed that bitch and I'd rather throw myself in the pacific ocean than admit it in front of him.

In the situation I'm thrust in he'd have chastised me but helped me. It gets so difficult to ask for help even from your best friend of years due to a lack of communication and misunderstanding of just a little time.

I couldn't bring myself to quit this addiction. I want to have the bits of darkness in my life to cherish the brightness I was blessed with.

But there is also a side of me that triggers if I spent in this darkness longer. The reason why I never touch this addiction without taking permission from my wife. She'd ground my soul and not allow me to get defeated. This was the first time in years I didn't ask her. She was unaware that I was smoking now. Then again, she didn't know many things.

Why was I late home? Why my hands are bruised? Why were my clothes smeared with dirt and blood?

She'd be disappointed with me. I can still handle that.

But the hot fury along with despair that was running in my veins was something I have to face it. Because of many unsettled matters in my life, she was already suffering to wish for a single day to end normally. If it was not for the loud arguments between me and Mr. Sooryavanshi, then it was Mrs. Sooryavanshi's taunts for blaming us for ruining the peace of her family. What kind of family and peace was she talking about? Families live together and share their happiness and difficulties. That family was a hollow façade of nothing but a mere exchange of pain.

She and her husband weren't even aware of what kind of evilness was consuming their daughter.

I was in Gayu's second apartment or her studio whatever it was. After pushing her maid outside, I turned her entire place upside down. To get my hands on her every secret. I had enough tonight. When I was ambushed by her good-for-nothing husband's goons, my months-long patience completely snapped. The only thing that brought my senses back was the way I have left them in a half-dead state near the hospital. Giving a call to Priyansh to take care of the matter from there, I drove straight to her place.

Fights make my body buzz with adrenaline like no other. Wait, nothing could conquer the feeling when Jyothika's core consumes me in its vice grip. Yeah, fights are second in position. Fuck, I should have been with her. Inside her. But this visit was needed to cut to the chase. Enough of beating around the bushes.

MY ENDLESS LOVE FOR YOU.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora