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"Never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do, you are apologizing for the truth."


"Prithvi, meet me in the study,"

Mr. Sooryavanshi's voice reaches me from behind.

My hurried footsteps halt as soon as I enter the foyer of the house. This man has sensors or what. I shake my head thinking I'd meet him later after I was assured of Jyothika's health.

"Right now," he adds much to my annoyance.

Calling one of the helpers passing by, I hand over one of the bags.

"Please give this to Jyothika," he gives a confused look. Right many didn't know her name as she rarely make orders to them. "To my room, to my wife,"

Confirming he obliged, I silently turn my way to the study. Let's get this done first.

"You should be flexible in business and life. I have taught you this numerous times. But seems like you never learned,"

The first thing he says as I barely entered the room. Even after retirement, this is where he'd spend most of his time. As if there was nothing else to enjoy in his life except work.

I observe the man seated in his chair- the same one that he used during his time in office. Fine with me. As it makes it easy for me to interact with him like I was following protocols with another businessman. Not to my father.

"Just like the way you have been," my cold response results in his sharp glare. With immense satisfaction, I continue with a sarcastic smile. "Not everyone has your skills, Mr. Sooryavanshi. It was easy for you to fall in love, and create fake promises to an ordinary clerk of your office but then you didn't hesitate even once to choose a woman of your status for marriage. That ordinary woman was not worthy of your beneficial future so it was easy for you to toss her over an influential one. I give it to you for setting a mind-blowing example of how one has to be flexible for his greed and fame," I reeled in the entire past and clapped my hand a few times with a humorless grin.

It's been years since I have voluntarily brought up the past. For him it was but I live every day with its reminders. He can move on forgetting everything though I'm here to rip the covers off and shove the truth in front of him.

For outsiders, my existence was wrapped in his emotional made-up story. I was the son of his first wife who had an unfortunate death. For the stability of my emotional status, he decided to keep me away from all the attention.

Everyone assumed he was not only a successful businessman but an excellent human and father.

The truth was wrenched from all these controversies. He never married my mother. In fact if not for his wife's facing pregnancy issues, and his greed to have everything under his name he wouldn't have bothered to know about my existence.

He needed an heir, apparently, only a son could fulfill the place. Dadi Ji was about to disown him after learning about us. She never forgave him. The reason why she doesn't live with him anymore. Only for my sake, she tolerated him and his wife during my childhood. Until it was time to name everything on my name.

It was my requests that made her come back to the mansion. I needed her to cross the next steps of my plan. Something my biological father wouldn't imagine in his dreams.

He has the courtesy to feel ashamed. And I try to find in me to feel pity but come with none.

"Kab tak maaf nahi koroge? Maafi mangi raha hu itne saalon se tumse," he sighs in resignation.

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