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"I am obsessed with you, fascinated by you, infatuated with you. I hunger for your taste, your smell, the feel of your soul touching mine."

{Please note the story continues from here after the events from the prologue chapter.}


The silence was my favorite companion.

Although needless silence, especially from the people I'm least fond of gives me a headache.

From the moment Mrs.Tripthi Sooryavanshi- my stepmother- was informed of my arrival by one of the guards, everything was getting dramatic. Expected but overly dramatic.

I didn't think they would welcome us with garlands or puja Ki thalli{veneration} in their hands. Warm smiles and easy hugs from the elder Sooryvanshi couple-That would have given me a brain freeze.

Now I was sitting with my head slumped on the back of the sofa in the living area, passing my time by viewing the heavy designer chandelier. My stepmother had good taste in the décor, I'd give her that. Despite my biological father's craze to flaunt his wealth in every little thing, at least, his wife wouldn't make it appear gaudy. The carpets he selected were all from foreign countries as per her taste they were in subtle colors.

I still hated them. During my childhood, even as little as a flick of dirt from my shoes earned me a harsh scolding. Sometimes I'd be denied lunch or dinner for disobeying the basic etiquette.

A bloody piece of cloth was more important than a human being to these high-class idiots.

The twinkling sounds of bangles drew my attention back to the woman responsible for all the chaos. I'm not talking about the one that is going on in Mr. Suryavanshi's study with his wife. I don't give fuck about their decision.

Swiping two fingers under my lower lip, the other three propped up across my temple I leisurely glance at her anxious posture. We had time to change our clothes before checking out from the hotel. She was adorned in a light pink saree, dressed like a typical new bride. An authentic look suits her.

Mentally clicking my tongue, 'Not for one whole minute there was rest to the chaos raised in my heart for days now, and this girl was completely aloof to the matter.'

Instead, her eyes are anxiously trained on the door as if something different would come out of their reaction. We both know well that even if they stayed for discussion the whole twenty-four hours, nothing would be in our favor. Then why hope for any sort of positivity from them?

If they were experienced in scheming, I'm skilled in fighting. And winning.

My precious reward was right in front of my eyes. I don't need anything. Except for maybe her trust and her little love.

Regardless of the reasons for my anger, I was aware Jyothika loved me but I don't want it to be in her way. Her version of love was weakness. At first sight of any danger or problem, her first instinct is to push me away. Instead of facing it together, 'discussing' and 'asking' for my approval in any of her decision, she'd prioritize her rational sense to deal with the situation. Even if it leads to abandoning me, betraying me.

Relationships especially love, are nurtured with honesty, a sense of balance, and dedication.

For me, love was the utmost form of strength.

Until we both are on the same page, I don't see us accomplishing the true meaning of our married life. Maybe we hurried too soon in changing the dynamics of our relationship without giving each other time for understanding. Leading to the present trail of the painful distance between us.

MY ENDLESS LOVE FOR YOU.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang