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"You fell in love with a storm. Did you think you would get out unscathed?"

I wasn't a big fan of coffee.

Though the filter coffee, I was having made me sigh in bliss.

After the hours of rough journey, my blocked and strained muscles cranked up with every twist I was making sitting on the wooden bench in the first tea and coffee stall. I was assured by the locals of its good quality. I could feel the freshness and strong flavor with every sip.

My Malayalam was only up to a coherent level, I couldn't communicate. By the time I'd form a sentence, I'm sure the other person will lose his patience so I don't even try. Malayalam was only the other language I knew apart from basic ones. I learned the language for personal reasons.

Eyeing the cold droplets of water on my clothed shoulder, I glance at the tin roof of the stall. Sighing in relief that, the rains at least have stopped before I reached my destination. This was my first visit to her native place, and the village seemed pleasing to the eyes so far. Her father, the head, honestly did a commendable job developing the place.

I have only heard of her joint family. We all in the B-5 group have met her grandmother a few times. If her nature was any indication, I'd have considered her remaining family was equally interactive and jovial. However, I have my doubts because Jyothika would always answer briefly or change the subject if we inquired more about her relations with other family members.

Unplugging the phone from the power bank that   I placed beside the bench, I re-read her last text.

'Raj, I have something important to discuss. Call me as soon as possible. And you better be safe, nahi toh pehle daant padegi phir baat hogi.' {'Else, you'd get first scolding then we'd talk.'}

I breathe a chuckle, my wildflower doesn't forget to threaten me in every other text. She was confident in her assumption that I was careless with my safety. She wasn't completely wrong.

Shaking my head, I unzip my backpack, stuff the power bank inside, and slide my phone into my jean pocket.

It wasn't my plan to come to her village directly as it may appear disrespectful to knock on her door unwelcome. But a lot of incidents have inclined my decision. Jyothika's behavior was suspicious and extremely worrying. First of all, she'd kept me at arm's length for the last couple of weeks. The day we heard Kavya's and Arjun's conversation in the hospital, she, as expected escaped from the confrontations. I decided to give her some time as any forced intervention would only make her closed off from me.

I knew her nature and could predict her responses for almost all situations like the back of my palm. One of the main reasons I couldn't get angry with her. Because I'd already understood her before she'd justify her actions. Everyone in the group knew she'd be the last person to make me angry.

But it also gives her one right more than anyone in the world- she could easily hurt me too. Something, I knew she wouldn't do ever intentionally. I trust her completely. She would never betray my trust.

Unlike Arjun. My jaw ticks at the thought of him, I knew he had his reasons still I never expected him to hide such grave secrets from me. Not only about his whole secret mission about that bastard of his tauji{father's elder brother} but also about Kavya's true feelings about me. I forgave Azar already as he was a soft-hearted man and I'm sure Kavya must have emotionally cornered him. But not Arjun.

My heart clenches for her. Due to my aloofness, and my ignorance for years, she paid the worst consequences.

I or any one of us couldn't understand her decision to abruptly marry more than a decade-old man and leave everything behind. With a single text to all of us, she needs time and she will get back to us soon.

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