I'm Not A Soldier

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"I suggest you assholes give it a rest."

She hissed. Them for good measure, she turned before leaving.

"I'd watch it if I were you, Snivellous."

"James? Come on, I know you're around here. Talk to me, Prongs."
Skye called softly as she walked through the corridors. After James had left the Great Hall, presumably due to the news in the Daily Prophet, the other Marauders has gone looking for him, but in all the wrong places. Remus, Sirius and Peter knew James better than anyone, but Skye knew his secret. Remus, for all his brains, didn't always use his wits, Sirius was clever, but he was reckless and rash, and Peter wasn't exactly the brightest spark in the fire when it came to tracking things down. Skye wasn't any of those things- she was quick witted and logical. Without thinking, she looked up and smiled to herself. She knew where to find James.

''James?'' Skye asked, walking from beneath the curtain. It was freezing- although Skye immune to it. Being able to control ice and fire had it's perks; ice meant that she was used to the cold and fire kept her warm, it's internal heat a constant reminder of the power.

She called again. She was sure that she'd find him here- James came out here to clear his head all the time and, considering it was a Saturday and there were no classes, he could spend hours out here. Skye looked up and saw him- mass of unkempt black hair, glasses askew from the wind, tears running across his cheeks. He was flying fast- leaning tight against his broomstick, his knuckles white from the pressure.
"James Charlus Potter, get your ass down here or I swear to Merlin, I will come up there with my beaters bat!"
She screamed at him. Through his anger, Skye saw him roll his eyes and smile his goofy smile- the one that brightened his face when he didn't want to be amused but was. Skye had always thought it was cute, and better than the smirk that he almost constantly wore. James reluctantly swung his broom to the ground and landed near her. Tears streamed across his cheeks and his face was flushed with anger and frustration.
"Couldn't catch the snitch?"
Skye smirked, trying to lighten the mood. James shot her a look and pulled the snitch from his pocket, reluctantly triumphant, bored about his talent. He tried to smile at her but his lower lip trembled and he suddenly broke down. Sobs racked his body as he covered his face in shame. Skye softened immediately. Rushing forward, she wrapped her arms around his strong shoulders. Her black jumper warmed him immediately. It was a jumper that James had always liked- it was plain black and loose, but soft and it fell off Skye's shoulder ever so slightly, revealing her thick shoulder and pale skin. He buried his face in it's cosy material, ignoring any argument the two were having.
"Oh, James.."
Skye breathed softly, holding him at arms length. It was rare for James to cry- he was brave and fearless, but that didn't mean he was heartless. In fact, he was quite sensitive. A quality that Lily really ought to see more of.
"I'm okay.. I'm fine."
James mumbled, dragging a hand across his face. Skye smiles sadly.
"Come on, it's freezing. Let's go to one of the changing rooms."
Skye suggested, linking his arm. James dragged his broomstick behind him miserably and the two made their way into a mildly secluded area of Hogwarts- the changing rooms, where Skye may or may not have gone with some people to have a quick snog. Plonking down on one of the benches, James looked across at Skye.
"How did you know where I'd be?"
Skye raised an arched eyebrow.
"You're not quite as unpredictable as you might think, James."
James smiled sheepishly, looking down at his clasped hands. He looked up suddenly and met Skye's blue eyes, looking deep into his mind.
"What's wrong, Prongs?"
She asked quietly. James looked startled.
"What? Nothing, I'm fine, what do you mean?"
Skye rolled her eyes.
"James, don't deny it. Something's wrong."
She stated. James was quiet.
"It's the murder, isn't it? That was in the Prophet."
James sighed, running a hand through his black hair.
"It's just that.. For fuck sake, there's a bloody war going on and.. This is sixth year, Skye. We leave Hogwarts next year and I don't think I'm ready. Not for the real world. Not yet. I can't leave the safety of Hogwarts and the comfort of my friends to.. I get so worried. Padfoot and the boys don't understand all the time. I'm scared, Skye. I don't belong in a war. I'm not a soldier."
He finished, his head down. He looked up suddenly, looking out from under his eyelashes. His hazel eyes met her sapphire orbs and Skye's heart ached for him.
"James, look, I don't know what to tell you. All I can say is.. It's out there. Weather we like it or not, it's there. The war, the death, the danger, all of it. We can't run. But I know you, James, and I know you well. You won't run. You're brave and fearless, why else would you be in Gryffindor? Trust me on this, you are one hell of a wizard, James Potter. Besides, it's a great big world out there. It's a great big war. But you need a great person to fight a Great War, and you, James Potter, are great."
Skye finished, dragging James up by his arms. Silence settled between them as James let everything we had said sink in. He cracked a small smile.
"Thanks, Skye."
He mumbled, pulling her into a hug. James and Skye had always had a good relationship- regardless of their fighting, they were like brother and sister, and they loved each other, but their relationship was purely platonic. James looked at her suddenly.
"Do you want to have dinner with us?"
He asked abruptly. Skye was taken aback and her heartbeat increased. Although she had always hated admitting her fears, especially to herself, Skye was scared. Of lots of thins, but in this case, it was losing her friends. In the hopes that she hadn't lost them already, she nodded hesitantly, biting her bottom lip. James grinned and brushed his years away.
"Come on, it'll be fun."
Skye stated, pulling back from him for a minute, hanging behind.
He questioned, the evening breeze whipping his hair. Skye's blonde waves were blowing gently and whipping across her face.
"I thought.. I thought you hated me."
She said quietly, running her arms. James' eyes widened behind his round glasses.
"What? No, of course not! We love you, Skye."
He said, shocked. The reality was a slap in the face; Skye was sure they hated her. Sure, she was annoyed at Sirius, but she didn't hate them and she certainly didn't want to lose them. James said it so casually, that they loved her. As if they weren't fighting at all. And maybe they shouldn't be. Fixing a determined smile on her face, Skye walked up to James and they headed back the castle.

Chasing Dreams (A Harry Potter Marauder fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora