Chapter 60: Family Love

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Although you were not sure why you were brought here, or where this fit in the timeline you last saw, you could assume that this happen after Selene went to the orphanage, as she had aged quite a bit and looked your age.

She was crying, as dark shadowy faces forcefully took the vampires back to their orphanage. They embraced the boys with shadowy smiles, as they seeped the blood inside of their bodies and into Selene's open finger.

Erasing their memories once and for all.

They dragged the boys into the doors and locked them inside, where they were never seen again. All you knew was that they were brutally tortured by the never-ending screams that came out of the door, which made the girl sob harder.

She stayed there until the next morning, writing words in a blank notebook, as her tears began to dry and the cold expression was back.

"My job here is done...I have fixed my mistake...SO WHY WON'T YOU TAKE ME BACK?!" she screamed towards the bright and sunny sky, as her skin burned and twitched, making her yells and cries for forgiveness sound more painful, more real. You immediately noticed her bright fangs, that were covered by bright red blood.

She had turned into a vampire...but how?! How had the creator fallen into her own trap?

You weren't sure why, but you had a feeling that the notebook that she gripped in her hands had an answer.

Selene began to become more desperate, begging to be taken back to the skies where she belonged. Her eyes widened in insanity, as her pupils dilated at the sight of a sudden cliff that was at running distance.

Her love to ascend was so great, her love to die was too great.

She sprinted as fast as her legs could take her, as they would burn up against the sun. Her skin started to light up in fire, mimicking the moment when she had her house burned to the ground thanks to Heeseung.

Was Heeseung trying to save her from the truth? Did he have a plan for her in the afterlife? Did he know that the pain of knowing was greater than the pain of the burning light?

Her skin began to melt up in flames, but Selene still continued running, no matter how much pain she was in, she was determined to cross the line between the unknowingness of falling and the comforting ground.

As she finally reached the cliff, she didn't even miss a heartbeat when falling down, as tears joy fell down her face.

"Billions of lives for the life of one goddess."she whispered to herself with a small smile, hugging herself like if she was trying to comfort herself.

You knew very well that she was already far off of the line between sanity and insanity, which meant that she most likely had not killed Heeseung or even the rest of the vampires...but you still felt sorry for her.

Was the truth so hard to handle? Was that going to be you if you began to wander too far off?

...was Hongjoong trying to warn you?


A pair of hands covered your eyes, before opening them again, revealing a young girl, who looked like she was in high school, wearing hanbok (korean traditional clothing) with long light blue sleeves and a white dress. Her long black hair was tied up in a sleek and beautiful bun, which made you more aware of just how beautiful her face was.

Her tan skin brightened alongside the tiring sun, as you began to notice just how transparent her body looked. She looked just like you, like a ghost with no purpose...but she actually did have a purpose, that's what differentiated the two of you.

"Why does she look just like me? Where am I?" you asked yourself those questions over and over again, shutting your eyes tightly, forming wrinkles on your forehead by how stressed you were getting.

Until it finally hit you, the answer hit you like a bat hitting a baseball across the field.

You were in the other world, the world which the vampires had briefly talked about and described...but how had you arrived here?

As you thought long and hard about what you were doing before arriving here, a sudden familiar face came into your view.

His mischievous smile, while he wrapped his arm around the girl, arguing with one of his friends.

His long hair that was starting to turn into a mullet, the tired eyes that showed you just how many restless nights he had spent doing god knows what, and the jagged clothes that contrasted such elegant fabric the girl had.

"Hongjoong..." you muttered under your breath, your teeth grinding against each other throughly.

He turned towards the girl with a worried look on his face, as the girl stared back at him with a pleasant grin.

"Are you sure you want to join us in this expedition? You can always go turn back, I don't want my sister to sacrifice her life for this." your expression turned even more sourer, as the look on the girl's expression made you vomit.

It showed kindness, it showed deep care, it showed just how much she loved Hongjoong.

It made you sick to the core.

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