Chapter 20: Puppy Eyes

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"You two, now is not the time to start bickering about if you did this or did that

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"You two, now is not the time to start bickering about if you did this or did that. It doesn't matter anymore, we're stuck like this until we track this case down." Felix scolded, angrily tapping his foot quickly, he seemed like he was getting impatient with the two of you.

For if you two kept arguing, you'd never get anywhere. You needed to have an actual, well planned strategy to finally put the vampires six feet under, like you all had been dreaming for.

Even the dead was dreaming for such plan to finally come true, I bet they were eagerly waiting for such day to arrive, don't you think, Y/N?

Exchanging each other a glance, not saying anything at all, you both had partially reconciled, from just one look.

That's how your friendship just worked, sometimes you didn't even need to say anything, just from a glance, you can tell exactly what Dami was feeling.

Sometimes their eyes tell more of a story than their words could ever further explain.

You both headed your attention towards Felix and Mark, who were discussing about something from which you could not understand a single word, as they kept speaking in an undertone, not single word could be heard from such conversation.

"We have to go, this is an opportunity we cannot miss." uttered Felix with a low tone, who  did not ask nor question his answer, instead he commanded, as it was the only option they truly had to find all the answers to all of their questions.

"But what about-" Felix immediately shut down Dami with a sharp glare, although they were all friends and nothing about what I'm about to say is personal and I know you know that, despite the fact that you four became something much more than friends, you were family and deeply cared for each other like a true family, Dami must understand that Felix is still her boss and is still in a higher position than her.

She probably took that into notice in this moment, as she came towards complete silence as you and Mark were a bit reserved and alarmed at the whole situation, which was nothing like you two, since you'd immediately step off for whoever was right in this situation (which in this case you'd say it was Felix) but...Felix's irritation and what gave the impression of him being provoked and "questioned" by Dami of his "power" over her, as someone with a higher pedestal than her.

"Well, to go to such party, we gotta look absolutely stunning" said Mark, who had a sassy tone as he went around trying to make Felix and Dami laugh, but not even one chuckle came out of their mouths.

"Shopping!!! I haven't done that with you in such a long time!!!" you squealed as you wrapped your arm around Dami's arm and as you cheerfully proceeded to grab your keys and pouch, not minding Dami's flabbergasted face.

To be completely honest, you'd never liked shopping, well you never really thought much of it, but you surely was never this ecstatic to go shopping, but having the intention of lifting up the mood, you decided to act this crazed over grabbing some nice clothing and shoes.

Like if that was the main purpose of going to this masquerade, just for everyone to see your nice clothing and shoes.

Mark, sensing a bit of competition, grabbed Felix by the shoulder, with Felix immediately shutting him down, and started to run towards his car.

"Huh, guess we're taking Mark's car then!" you laughed as you and Dami made a sudden exist out of the police station, without even saying your goodbyes nor stating why you all had to leave so suddenly. The secretaries and staff never really payed attention to such immediate departure, as you were all friends with Felix, you could say Felix was an absolute token, in the sense of him being a ticket out of your job without getting scolded.

Although, you did know, deep down inside, that the one being scolded wasn't you, but him, as his dad is very strict on the poor Felix, too strict you'd say. As a very young and immature man, having to carry such a responsibility of his job (and not only his job, but having to carry the guilt and weight of such trauma, with what happened with you and Siyeon) had to be incredibly difficult for him


You all decided to buy, well mediocre clothing, as you didn't want to stand out from the crowd, but you also didn't want to purposely buy hideous clothing, as that also would make you stand out from the crowd...and ruin your self dignity and pride.

So, you wore a mediocre attire, with a mediocre mask and topped it off with your mediocre dignity, with the rest following the same...all except for Mark, who wanted an extremely expensive mask and a stunning black suit.

You weren't going to lie, you thought that suit was amazing...but maybe it wasn't the best outfit for this occasion, but still you gave him a thumbs up when voting whether or not he should wear it, as his smile and puppy like eyes won your heart.

"Stupid puppy eyes." you huffed as you gave him a thumbs up, not even wanting to look at his at his pleading eyes, you immediately turned away.

The way his smile widened, and his eyes grew larger and larger, you thought that he was going to explode with how much happiness he had. Such happiness was slowly projecting towards Dami and Felix, who both had a small grin to their faces.

Heck, it was even starting to grow on you, as you tried to hide the slight smile on your face with a cough.

"This is going to be quite the night..."

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