Chapter 25: Shy, Shy, Shy

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Your head started to rapidly spin as you held it down tightly, wondering what the f*ck just happened

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Your head started to rapidly spin as you held it down tightly, wondering what the f*ck just happened.

You didn't remember and that was what scared you.

"Huh...?" the same man who was in the photo you had held some hours ago, was standing right in front of you, having an expression on his face that you couldn't quite explain nor understand.

It didn't seem scary to you, but pitiful and that in itself scared you, because you couldn't understand why you felt so sorry for him or why you felt so guilty.

But you still decided to ignore such feeling and quickly turn towards the door, counting the seconds that were left.


"One." the man had stolen all of your words as Mark and Dami busted through the door, with Dami having such a cool expression, she looked like if she was in a movie, unlike Mark who had a cheeky smile on his face.

They both stood right next to each other, crossing their arms and nodding awesomely.

"Psst!! Your masks...!!!" you decided to ruin their action movie-worthy moment by whispering through gritted teeth.

They looked dumbfounded as they quickly and clumsily (with Mark even dropping his mask towards the wooden floor and dramatically falling down towards the ground, just to pick it up) put their masks on their faces.

Mark gave you a thankful thumbs up with that radiant smile of his.

You sighed as you put your hands in your face, slightly chuckling at the moment.

Sure, this was a very serious mission we were going on, but serious was not Mark's middle name, even if he tried his very most hardest, he really couldn't stop laughing at the most stupidest things, but that's what you loved about him.

He was like the older brother you never had, as you were always an only child.

Looking back towards the man, he had a funny expression on his face, a devious smirk filled his face with his arrogant stance that kept leaning towards you. He was looking at you because he already knew that this would be happening...but if he already knew, then why bother to not even let them in? To stall time? For what?

They hadn't really done anything this whole entire time and that bothered you. Were they just waiting for you all to come together to shuddered as you held on tightly to the small crucifix that was in your pocket.

You never were really much of the religious type, but you were willing to believe that this object would be able to at least do some sort of damage to those devious monsters.

"They haven't done anything yet, but be on guard just incase, we don't want any surprise attacks from them any time soon." you whispered quietly into Dami's ear, quiet enough so that the vampire would not hear a single mutter of yours.

She slowly nodded as she slowly disappeared into the crowd, they all did, so now you were all alone in this crowd of people dancing and grinding on each other.

"God, could they have picked a better public place than this? Or are they also into humans in THAT way?" you rolled eyes just by thinking such dirty thought, god were these vampires so incredible and peculiar.

That just made you hate them even more, for their disgusting measures that you were so sure that they were taking just for that damn taste of blood, for that taste took their humanity, but did they ever had that humanity in the first place? Did they ever have the chance to know what being a human is like? Did they ever have the chance to know what the scorching sun felt like?

You really couldn't have an answer to these trivial questions, there were more important questions to ask them, especially not these questions of guilt and pity.

You were letting down your guard and started to feel for the men who killed your best friend, you  pinched your arm so hard to stop such sinful thoughts from ever existing again.

It was wrong, you were slowly losing your humanity from just breathing the same air as them. Was this becoming a virus, a sort of tactic that they would use to lure their victims with pity? And so, how do you stop this sickness?

You sighed deeply as you decided to write down everything you were seeing at this party, knowing that the smallest details could be used as serious evidence...but I guess you were starting to take this too seriously, in the most wrongful way possible.

"Dancing, making out, drunk weirdos, fancy attire, royalty kink...? How odd." you commented, as you stared at the words you used to describe such festive occasion like this one, taking a big sigh once more.

"They seriously chose the wrong person for this." But still, even though you knew you weren't cut out for this job, you sucked it up and did it.

"Drinking, banquet, Mark grinding on- Wait a minute...MARK F*CKING LEE?!" you covered your mouth in shame, oh Mark, what were you going to do with him? As he kept on...playfully dancing on top on a random woman, who, although most would not notice due to her astonishingly big, white mask, which had a bunch of feathers and jewels, had a sly smile on her face, as her hair kept covering it from all the moving and twirling around she had to keep up with.

Her eyes felt petrifying to even look at, as once glance and you're heart might skip a beat, probably two.

You understood why Mark would chose her, out of everyone else, you'd say that just by her warming smile, her endless eyes and her ethereal, light brown hair (which she moved around every five seconds, catching you a bit off guard, as it was pretty close of taking you along with it.)

In the process of you slowly but surely getting out of such trance that women had put you on, a slight soft hand touched your hand, the coldness of it gave you shivers.

It had no hint of warmness at all.

You turned around to face...

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