Chapter 57: Decelea

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You let out a loud gulp, as the two creatures looked at you with crooked grins

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You let out a loud gulp, as the two creatures looked at you with crooked grins.

Well, you knew that the end of you was going to come very soon...but you didn't expect death to come knocking on you door NOW!!

Tightly closing your eyes shut, you awaited the grand claw that would rip your entire your body into pieces...but it never came, instead the only thing you could hear was a loud thud.

And then, you heard that loud thud again, this time with a slight yelp for help.

"I should've killed you two ages go...but I didn't, because I had faith you'd change." you recognized that cold voice, you recognize the way the voice would always have that arrogant tone to  it.

"Sunghoon..." you whispered under your breath, feeling a mixture of emotions.

"Guess you were wrong then, weren't you? Monsters can never change." one of the werewolves spoke out.

"But unlike you, I'm way far from a monster..."

"I'm worse than that." those were the last words Sunghoon would say to those werewolves, before a loud slashing sound was then heard.

"Don't open your eyes." he commanded, pulling both of your hands towards him, as you could hear the rain start to get even worse than before. He pulled you towards a protective hug, spinning you around to face whatever direction you were couldn't really tell as, well, you had your eyes closed.

"Open them." you did as followed and were greeted by his soaked hair that kept sprinkling drops of rain water right towards your face. His pissed face was something you couldn't also ignore, as his tongue was pressed against his cheek and the piercing glare his eyes would give you were like no other.

"Sunghoon...since when did you-" your eyes began to slowly close in on themselves, as you looked at him with a confused expression. You were suddenly feeling extremely light-headed.

"The f*ck...?" those were the last words you said before completely passing out.


You could see a shy young girl, one who could or would not speak; One which wore long black hair and pale skin, with a long white flowing dress and a small crescent moon which was worn under her neck.

She was a barefoot, walking alongside a six foot man, who was dressed in ragged clothing and and scruffy hair. The man wouldn't even share a glance with her, while the only thing the girl would see was his face.

She was scared, anyone could see.

"Hope this is what you truly wanted." the male still wouldn't even dare to look her side, feeling afraid he'd feel a sense of guilt for what he was about to do.

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