Chapter 16: Theories

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Hyphen, a grammatical mark that indicates that two words are together, words that were always meant to be together, that hyphen indicating their necessity towards each other

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Hyphen, a grammatical mark that indicates that two words are together, words that were always meant to be together, that hyphen indicating their necessity towards each other.

Connecting two different words, seeming like they had so many differences that pulled them apart, that hyphen, that love, forms new words, with different meanings.

Sometimes, being different isn't bad. Why be confined to one stereotype? When you can be many of them, making your own stereotype, your own world, with your own standards.

But what were they exactly different from? What brought all of those seven vampires, together?

Simple, there's only one answer.


Whether they have good or bad connotations of it, their friendship was sealed in blood.

Blood of the ones who kept bring them down, blood from the ones whom which are only there to keep such endless cycle spinning, just for their own fear and gain of the word:


"From...EN-?" you asked yourself, absolutely confused on what a hyphen had to do with all of this.

Dami kept rubbing her temples, what she always does when she's frustrated at something.

"I don't get it, I seriously don't get this at all." She kept gazing onto the paper's writing, trying her best to decipher this mystery piece of paper, as you hurriedly went towards the drawers, throwing a bunch paper and pieces of junk all over the place, hastily trying to find something.

In an instant, you pulled out a small ziploc bag, having inside a bunch of tiny papers.

The small pieces of paper which the vampires had left every time someone passed away and having their body be disappear into thin air.

No one found where the bodies were disposed. It still remains as a mystery, to this day.

You placed all of the pieces of paper together, trying to see if they had any sort correlation with each other, maybe this was supposed to lead you towards them.

But why would they want to lead you towards them? Is this some sort of joke to them?

"As the arrows of fate, are much more cruel than the curse of blood."

"Light of the sun, that blinding light, that light will be the cause of your death."

"...Shall reach that new world...shall reach the line, shall walk over the line, but that world will flip over mind, never mind."

"Only the pretty liars are left in such capsized world they created, where reality is whatever they want it to be. Why must the rich be filled with such capacity they cannot truly handle?"

"Are we truly the chasers who seek to do such evil in the world? Perhaps, we're the ones who are being chased away from our hopes and dreams, we should thank you."

"We eagerly wait for the day we can meet again, L/N Y/N and Lee Yongbok."

"Regards, EN-"

"Look at this everyone." you signaled everyone to come over, hoping they would have some sort of idea on what this meant.

I mean, you literally failed literature class back in high school, this was more than an indication to them that you really could not solve anything that had to do with poetry or anything along the lines of of that.

Dami quickly grabbed all of the papers and as soon as she finished reading them, she took a big, long sigh.

"Keywords: Fate, light and line." she mumbled, while quickly taking out a small notepad, writing a bunch of squiggles and words that you could not possibly understand.

"Light..." you muttered, trying your best to understand these possible "key words" that Dami keeps repeating.

"Well vampires are burned from the light, so they're telling us that light burns them!!" you proudly say, while putting your feet onto your desk, while drinking an imaginary whiskey, slowly twirling around.

"You think too simply, Y/N" Mark chuckled, while he kept mimicking your actions.

"Guys, can you not?" Felix snapped, having a slight provoking tone in his voice.

Both of you got the memo, Felix was most likely irritated from the sleep this mystery was giving him, after that letter from "EN-" was sent, everyone couldn't sleep, from the fear of you and Felix's safety, as well the eagerness to solve this mystery, for you all had a bone to pick with them.

Dami kept to herself, you could see tears forming in her eyes, while she kept whispering:

"I don't get it, I don't get it" she repeatedly cried.

There was small moment of silence. There was so much silence that filled the room, that you could hear Dami's sniffles as she kept gazing at the pieces of paper.

"Have we truly asked ourselves the question: "What world do vampires come from?" said Mark, whom which interrupted such silence, to ask such question...a question which is very valid to ask.

Have we truly wondered how vampires formed and came here? We only believe they were myths, but if they are real, does that mean the way they formed was real too?

"Do they even know where they came from? Maybe they don't, maybe that's what they're trying to find out, maybe that line that they're talking about is the line that will lead them home, kind of like a road. Maybe they think they're from another world, kinda like aliens."

"Then why do they talk about crossing over the line? Why do they keep talking about fate and light??" asked Dami, not seeming convinced enough by Mark's theory of these (for what seems impossible to solve) writings.

"Their letting the way to home in fate's hand, maybe they believe that if they never reach there, it was destiny who didn't let them."

"They could think everything is done for a reason, that bad things happen to you for a reason." that sentence ringed in your ear.

You hated that sentence, for you felt that this curse he put on you, was actually a good thing? Of course it wasn't, you killed him for a reason.

You couldn't have killed someone for no reason, you weren't about to doubt yourself.

He was in the wrong, of course he was in the wrong.

He f*cking killed someone in front of you, then told you to stay quiet, saying that curiosity of yours would be the death of you.

You banged your fists on the table after thinking those unnecessary thoughts, catching everyone off guard, you slightly scoffed at their reaction.

"That just gives me another reason to kill them off."

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