Chapter 10: And There Was No One Left

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"Y/N, please."

"Please, don't die on me, I promised you we'd both survive, you have to wake up." he cried out, tears  flew past his eyes. Although you two had barely known each other, the trauma glued you two together, you could never leave each other's side anymore.

For you two were the only ones who could relate to each other, after suffering from something that most could not imagine to suffer.

"We have to survive, we need to survive-" he suddenly groaned from such pain he was facing, it was starting to feel unbearable at that point.

There was a long pause, until he continued, trying to wake you up, having some sort of hope that you'd respond.

"I-I may not know you so well, but I know that if you survive, I want to know you Y/N...I want to know you and I know I'm not the only one, the people have to know who you are, please, wake up."

He kept breathing heavily, desperately waiting for you to wake up. He was so sure you were alive, you just had to be.

You had to survive, you could not just die like that.

It was impossible, right?

Your life, your story must continue barely just started to enjoy life, this couldn't end like this, right?


And now, there was no one left.

No one to save you, no one to help you anymore.

Felix left you, didn't even check your pulse to see if you were truly dead.

You were losing your own way, this forest was endless, directions felt impossible to solve.

You followed the stars, as the old story foretold, to follow this light, the blinding stars, with their deadly flicker.

Eyes kept shutting and closing, you wouldn't have much time left, you needed to run. The darkness was overtaking, your strength was weakening, draining out of you. You tried to run, faster, but only the distance got farther and farther.

Deeper and deeper.

There was no way, you could not escape this endless forest.

No matter how much you'd hold on towards the hope of escaping, not letting go, you'd still fall towards death's door.


Your finger kept twitching, blood trickling everywhere, you were here.

You were alive.

"Y/N!!" Felix cried out loud, hugging you tightly, blood kept squirting even faster.

You were fighting with your own self, trying to stay alive, trying not to close your eyes. It was too soon to die yet, the story must go forward.

"Can you walk...? Do you want me to carry you?" he asked, seeming concerned over your severe condition.

" did we survive...?" you asked, pushing your own self to even form a coherent question, as you couldn't even begin to talk, from how much the pain was.

He sighed. "We fell on top of a tree, which decreased our acceleration. Luckily both us didn't land on our heads, or else we seriously would've been in a quite difficult situation."

"We landed on our backs instead."

"Now, do you need me to carry you? Can you walk?"

You shook your head, if you could barely form a sentence, how could you walk?!

He picked you up and slowly started to move his feet, as he was also in a lot of pain. You thanked him for doing this for you, how best you could, but he kept saying that any good human being would do something like this.

And now there was someone left, two people left.

Felix tried his best to run, as the vampires could catch both of you any second now, you two didn't have any sort of plan to exterminate them either. The best you two could do was just to run away, for how cowardly it may seem, it was the best option for the both of you.

You both knew, this wasn't going to be the last time you'd see these blood sucking beings, hell, this was only the beginning, of an endless battle which you weren't sure if you could even stand a chance against them, you were sure you saw that boy disappear before your own eyes, they must have some sort of abilities, which no living being could ever possess. A power from which would define the laws of all sorts of scientific laws, a power which would make the impossible, truly possible.

It was something from which scared both of you, how could you too possibly exterminate such beings? You'd dare say getting rid of one is already quite a hassle by itself, too bad there's seven of them, you aren't even sure if they can influence each other's capabilities, now that's absolutely terrifying to think about.

Some minutes passed by, and there was no sign of light coming your way, except for the moon's shining light, which only mirrors the true light, the sun.

The sun...wait a minute.

If the myths are one hundred percent true, which you desperately hope they are, you could easily get rid of them by using the sun's light.

Maybe that's why they kept talking about such blinding light, maybe because it actually made them blind, unable to fight for their lives, vulnerable against attacks.

"Is there any signal yet?" Felix asked, seeming very exhausted, like if he was about to pass out from the amount of force he was putting his body towards.

"No...there isn't."

He took a long sigh, this was absolutely incredible-

"Oh sh*t!!" you screamed, as you and Felix suddenly fell towards the floor, for he had already passed out, from all the exhaustion and pressure he was putting his body towards, pressure that his body could not handle.

"Felix!!' you screamed, slapping his face, trying to wake him up. Nothing would work, he needed to rest, but you two didn't have time to rest, you needed to be on the move, otherwise things would be too late to even fix anymore.

"Well f*ck, guess I'm going to have to carry you now."

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