Chapter 18: Hellish Knife

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As you kept walking around, admiring all of the furniture and very expensive paintings this household, you kept wondering why the owners decided to invite so many people, especially strangers to this place.

Anyone could just steal a painting, a piece of jewelry and nobody would even notice, as there were so many rooms, so many paintings that no body would ever notice said painting would be gone.

This place had a sudden eerie feeling to it, even with all of the music distracting everyone from such fact, you still couldn't let such feeling ignored.

You kept annotating everything with a notepad, not having much on it, as you really didn't know what to say.

Wondering around, you decided to explore around the rooms and that's when you heard the sudden screams, which you had decided to run towards to, not realizing what wonderful yet awful trap you had fallen into.

As soon as you realized who was such man, your face filled with disgust, for was this what they meant with your questions being answered?

Had this been what they truly set up for you to do?

You deeply stared towards the man, gathering all of your courage left in your body, you called him by his name.


He turned around, a slight tint of pale had still been left on his face after such scare he had experienced, making him produce such screeching yell that still was echoing at the back of your mind.

You weren't sure why you could still hear such screaming, in spite of the fact that the screaming had stopped long before you realized who it was.

"Who are you?" he asked, making you slightly scoff at the thought of him not remembering you, despite the fact that you, always remembered him.

"Kim Hongjoong." you called again, having a serious and confident tone in your voice.

Oh how much time had you spent searching for such name, learning every single thing there was to know about such man!

He took some time examining your face, acting like he didn't know who you are, but you knew, or desperately hoped, he still remembered your name.

As when he called your name, shivers go down below your spine, sending such cold wind down your body.

"Why if it isn't L/N Y/N!! How long has it been since we last met?" he asked, looking you up and down, a huge smirk filling his lips.

"Five years, it's been five years." you muttered, as you were looking down, your knuckle turning red from how much pressure and anger you were putting on it.

"Five years...? What a long yet short period of time, don't you think?" He looked towards you, that smirk still lingering on his face.

"Such time has passed and all you've been doing was just searching and obsessing over me? What a wonderful way to pass your free time."

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