Chapter 52: Dilemma

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Although most of the vampires seemed a bit apprehensive leaving you there alone with Sunghoon, you honestly couldn't blame them, you were feeling quite anxious about it too, they knew that they really couldn't do much about it, as Jungwon had alre...

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Although most of the vampires seemed a bit apprehensive leaving you there alone with Sunghoon, you honestly couldn't blame them, you were feeling quite anxious about it too, they knew that they really couldn't do much about it, as Jungwon had already decided.

Once the door had finally closed, the sudden fear and panic sparked through your bones once you took a look at Sunghoon's face.

His expression itself (his expression was actually quite nonchalant) wasn't what was creeping you out, but instead it was the fact that it was HIS face and his face ALONE.

Sunghoon took one look at you and just left to go take a nap...and just like that, you were officially alone without anyone's supervision.

Which was a terrible idea from their who knows! You could've started to climb refrigerators to reach those bananas you always craved as a child!!

But decided to NOT climb any refrigerators and instead went to snoop...oh sorry, CHECK each and every one of their rooms to see if you could find anything useful to help you in your journey.

Your journey of escaping this place.

That's right! This was the day that you finally decided to get your sh*t together and finally escape! And although a huge part of you wanted to stay, you knew that no matter how much you were enjoying the vampires' company...

It just wasn't possible to form a true bond with them, everything around you was stopping you from forming that sort of relationship.

You promised to do anything for their downfall, you promised that you'd even kill yourself if it meant that they'd be dead.

And they promised to end the world, with you burning alongside it.

The eight of you had promises that needed to be complete, no matter what the costs were, even if the cost was life itself.

Love and want were nothing but obstacles that you needed to avoid, things that ignored all common sense and logic.

Just because your heart could not accept the fact that humans and vampires cannot fall in love, cannot care for each other.

Cannot be each other's motivation to continue running, each other's blood to keep on thriving.

You quietly tiptoed towards each other their rooms, searching through each nook and cranny for anything that could give you a clue on how to escape this haunted mansion...yet you found absolutely nothing.

You had already searched through every single room except Sunoo's and obviously Sunghoon's room, but since Sunghoon had locked himself in his room...Sunoo's room was starting to seem as the only hope.

Slowly opening the creaking door, you found yourself in a room filled with velvety furniture and silk sheets, and right at the end, was a large bookshelf, filled with many random books to choose.

That was quite odd, as you didn't really see Sunoo as the bookworm type.

You carefully looked through each book, before leather-covered book caught your attention. There was nothing really worth seeing about the book, as it looked like any other, but what had caught your eye was the title of it.

"Day 1: Confusion, written by an anonymous writer." the title itself wasn't all that, in fact it was quite a boring title that didn't reveal much...but for some reason, your eyes naturally stopped by it.

And your hands were already all on it.

Looking around the room, hoping not to be caught, you pulled on the book, expecting it to easily fall onto your hands...but no, it seemed to be stuck.

You pulled harder on it, using your entire body forced to get the damn book out, until something then odd happened.

The bookshelf itself opened, revealing a secret passage way that was filled with many stairs leading down to what you believed would be an exit.

So, instead of getting that book, you instead got a way out of there!

Not bad!

But before you could even step a foot into the secret room, a loud cry, which you obviously assumed to be Sunghoon's, stopped you from taking that step forward.

Unlike the many cries screamed back when the cockroach was thriving and living it's life peacefully, this instead was a concerning yell for help. His voice sounded hurt and as if he was about to actually shed tears, which made you feel distressed.

You were now stuck, not knowing what you should do at this point.

Should you see what's going on and try to help him or should you just book it and potentially hurt a vulnerable Sunghoon?

"What a dilemma..."

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