Chapter 48: La Cucaracha

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As you and Sunghoon kept bickering on about whether or not S

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As you and Sunghoon kept bickering on about whether or not S.coups was all that great (which by the way, he is, end of story) as you'd say, a loud piercing scream that seemed to mimic the ones of a horror movie came from both Heeseung and Sunoo.

Sunoo immediately jumped towards the couch while fearing for his life and Heeseung kept running around the place like an absolute lunatic.

"What?! What's wrong?!" Jungwon immediately started to worry, as the look on both of their faces kept telling a story that he just couldn't quite understand...but he knew for sure that it wasn't really your typical innocent story with rainbows and good endings.

"There's...there's..." Sunoo kept stuttering and pausing at each word he would say, making you feel more impatient and curious for what he had to say.

"There's what?! Come on!! Spit it out!!"



The room immediately became silent for a few seconds until havoc reigned the vampires. Screams, cries, you name it!! Some of the boys kept crying for their mommies, some began to act brave and tried to kill the insect, but they only made the bigger fool of themselves, as they immediately yelped and went back to hiding under the table.

It was like if WW3 just happened and this was the aftermath.

Everyone had a different reaction, but what connected them, was the fact that they were absolutely terrified about this little insect.

Vampires, one of the most dangerous species known to man and can be very much be the downfall for humankind...are scared of a f*cking cockroach?

The one who almost made you pee your pants by how scared he looked, was Sunghoon. As soon as he realized what they were dealing with, he hid behind you and cowardly asked you to kill it.

"Is it still there?"

"Hold on Sunghoon, I can't kill it if you're clinging onto me like a koala!!"

"Just kill it already!!"

"I swear I might just grab the stupid cockroach and put in under your shirt if you keep hurrying me!!"

"Take your time~~" he sweetly cooed, making you scoff at how cute and genuine he sounded. Anyone would've melted as soon as they'd hear such voice.

Moments like these were the ones that made you fall a bit more harder for him, even with how much you tried not to.

You knew exactly how you felt about him the moment he kissed you yet you tried to cover it up and continued hating him, is that was all he could feel for you. He must've felt tempted to bite you and decided to suppress the feeling by a kiss.

Successfully finding the cockroach, which was right under the table, fretting about it's dear life, you decided to immediately slap it how many times your shoes could allow before coming towards the conclusion that it was dead.

Bugs didn't scare you, but they very much disgusted you.

"It's dead." everyone fell towards the floor, sighing in relief at the sight of the poor cockroach's body being squished into a pancake.

"How did a cockroach manage to get here?! I've done such a good job at cleaning and checking the place for any bugs..." Sunoo huffed, pouting a bit to show the fact that he was disappointed himself for letting this happen.

"Well since you guys literally live in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but trees and wildlife...I'm honestly not surprised." he let out a loud, disappointed sigh, making you realize that he was still feeling a bit down for what had just happened, even with your weak try at cheering him up.

"'s not your fault!! I mean I can tell how hard you've worked on cleaning this place!!" you could tell that he was starting to feel a bit better by how a smile slowly appeared on his face, as you kept patting him on the head. You swore that you could hear a purring-like sound coming from him as soon as you did that, which made you chuckle a bit.

"Really? You really mean it?"

"Of course I do~~!!" you messed his hair up a bit, ruffling it up, which definitely annoyed him a bit, but he continued to let you do it so...

"I think we need to do something about this cockroach incident." said Jungwon, while loudly coughing a bit to try and get you two off of each other, which made your cheeks suddenly turn a light shade of pink.

"It's just one cockroach, it's not like you have a whole infestation!"

"You never know though...and I'm not about to let a whole hoard of bugs take over this place!!" you rolled his eyes at how dramatic he was being, but what made you even more flabbergasted, was the fact that the rest were actually agreeing with him!!

God, you never knew vampires were THIS scared of cockroaches!

"Well you can just a hire a professional deal with all of the bugs...although I doubt an exterminator will actually drive so far from the city to kill a couple of bugs." the vampires seemed more tensed up now that you had said that, which just made you want to facepalm yourself even more.

"Or...if you guys are really that desperate, you could just buy a couple of bug sprays and that would do the trick!"

"Perfect idea!!" they cheered as they prepared for the sudden midnight trip, with Jake grabbing the keys and Jungwon searching for his wallet. Once the two were done, everyone was about to leave...Ni-ki suddenly stopped everyone from going through the front door.

"Wait a minute...but what if Y/N decides to escape and warn other humans about her situation?"


I'm sorry if it seems like I'm not paying that much attention to FATE anymore...I've just been so unmotivated recently and have been juggling so many things at once ^^

So please be patient with me!

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