Chapter 9: Fall.

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"WHAT?!" you screamed, you couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth

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"WHAT?!" you screamed, you couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth.

You'd both definitely die from the fall, there was no fault in that, you couldn't possibly jump from such height.

"Y/N, listen to me, it's the only way."

"It can't be...this can't be." you muttered, looking down, filled with panic, for you two would never survive this fall.

He held your hands, tightly, promising to never let go. If you two really survived, together, he promised you that he'd never let you go, after a day such like this one.

"It might hurt...more than we both expected, but trust me, I won't ever let you go, no matter what." Felix whispered to your ear, shaking from all those tears he was holding back.

He was trying to seem strong, trying not to scare you, but he couldn't lie, this was also scaring him.

Falling down, not knowing whether you'll survive or not, is a gamble that you had to take. It was all or nothing, for you two had no choice but to give in into this gambling, whether you agreed with it or not.

Sometimes you don't want to get into gambling, but it calls for you, leading up to your fate, your life, being a gamble itself.

You all gambled the way here, you all risked your lives coming into this party, you knew the consequences, but such curse of yours left you blinded by such flicker, such light that only fools get deceived from, some might say...fools who deserved this cruel destiny of theirs.

Nothing but cliffs, mountains and trees surrounded you, lots and lots of trees. You kept staring at them, the last view would ever see in your life.

Felix noticed you hesitance towards doing this, he pulled you closer towards you, making you only look at him, making him, the last thing you'd ever see.

The look in his eyes, felt like you were watching the galaxy on it's own.

"Just close your eyes."

"Hold your breath."

"And fall." his voice deepened, as your whole mind fell towards a great pause, breathing was getting harder and harder to do.

Your heart dropped, as your whole body froze, you were falling, still holding Felix's hand tightly, your eyes also shut tightly.

"I love you!!" he screamed, you could sense his pain, from only saying those three words, words that are so meaningless, yet filled with meaning, it's up to you to fill them with meaning.

"I'll miss you!!"he shouted once more.


Missing someone, loving someone.

Memories flashed before your eyes, tears welled up before your mind could even tell.


"Siyeon!!" you screamed.

"Stop eating my cake, it's still not time for that!!"

You all were in the fourth grade, still as immature as you were now. She stuck out her tongue at you, she never really changed, that was what so fun about her. You knew how she'd react to certain things, so you barely had fights with her, unless she had done something really immature, which Dami would always point out first.

You were always in the middle, when they had fights. You weren't so serious, like Dami, but not as immature as Siyeon, you would say, a healthy middle. You would always find a middle ground towards everything.

Your parents smiled at you and revealed:

"Y/N, turn around, we have a surprise for you."

"A surprise...? What type of surprise?"

"Turn around if you wanna find out!!" eagerly shouted Dami, filled with a giant smile on her face.

You never had any sort of problems with your family, until they said you went "crazy over the smallest things", that's when some sort of resentment kept building on top of you and your family, when you started to turn towards your friends, whom which you called your new family, as they always supported you.

You turned around, to find out, you got a new bicycle, something that you always wanted, for such a long time now. Dami and Siyeon always rode their bicycles around the neighborhood, while you were always stuck chasing after them, it was exhausting. You'd always comeback home with a ton of sweat, legs barely even working, from all of the running and chasing you had to do.

All you wanted to do, was just have a bike where you all three could finally ride together around the neighborhood, and your wish got fulfilled.

You turned around, to find Dami and Siyeon already riding their bikes.

"Come join us!!" they shouted.


You put on your helmet and happily went on your way to ride bicycles with them, while your parents kept an eye on you three from the balcony.

"Since when did you learn to ride a bike?" asked Siyeon, shocked to find out, that you, someone who had never had a bike, could immediately ride one as soon as someone gave you one.

"Dami showed me how to ride it."

Dami nodded proudly, you and Siyeon laughed at how proud Dami looked when you revealed she had helped you.

That night, the three of you spent it riding your bikes around the neighborhood, under the bright night skies, you will never forget how beautiful the stars looked that night, as you still kept riding your bikes until midnight.

End of Flashback

You missed Siyeon, you missed Dami and you might even dare say, you missed your family. You missed that stupid Literature class that you hated so much, but you always hated every single class school had to offer, except for science, it wasn't so bad, until they brought more math into it.

You missed your old life, before this stupid party ever happened. You regretted ever telling Siyeon about this party, you regretted jumping off the window, only to fulfill your curiosity, you regretted ever even opening the door, opening the invitation in the first place.

You missed so much, you regretted so much and you loved so much, you loved so many things, so many things that have suddenly disappeared from you, you regretted not appreciating them more.

The wind kept blowing against you, trying to fix this cruel fate that was made against you, but for no use, as not even the wind could stop you.

You loved that, you loved that the wind blew against you, trying to make you rethink your decision, only to just disobey it once more.

You loved, you regretted and now you'll mourn.

"I love-"

f*ck, you never got it say it back.

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